Who Is It

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Yup, this is based off of Michael's song. Enjoy!!


Distressed is how I feel. Betrayed. I sat on my couch, a glass of Conac sitting in front of me on my glass table. A picture of her in my hands. I thought I've given her what she wanted...what we wanted. She was my true love. Days go by, and I look at empty spot where I would see her pretty brown hair sprawled on the pillow. What did I do wrong? I dropped the framed picture, causing it to break into pieces. I cried into my hands. What am I gonna do without her? I was planning on marrying her. But it seems she didn't want that, after she just up and ran away. No letter, no phone call. Nothing.

Who was that someone who could love her better than I could? Who has the fortune and commitment to give her? Whoever it was, why can't that person be me? As these questions continued to run through my head, the more the hurt and anger began to run through my body. I grabbed the glass, throwing it against the white wall, now stained brown, liquid running down to the wooden floors.

"Fuck!" I screamed out. My heart aches for her. I need her. I wanted to start a life, a family, with her and only her.

I stared down at the shattered glass that was inches away from her picture. God that smile. It could brighten up a whole room. Those eyes. A pool of chocolate circles. She looked so beautiful. A smile slowly crept onto my face, as I was becoming a psychopath, then it quickly disappeared. I walked our bedroom...our king-sized bed made with white silk sheets. On the nightstand was a picture of us, our noses touching, with bright smiles on our faces. I picked it up, taking the picture out the frame. I flipped it over finding her handwriting,

Janet + Toni August 11, 1995

That was our anniversary. I went out on the balcony. We'd watch the stars, and it was a great view of the moon. It was a full moon tonight. I would have my arms around her waist, her head resting on my shoulder. Tears streamed down my face as I reminisced on those memories. Going into my nightstand drawer, I stared at it before grabbing it. I loaded 5 bullets into it, clicking off the safety. Pressing it to my temple. I prepared to say my last words.

"I love you, Toni" I felt myself squeezing the trigger, but the gun wouldn't go off. I couldn't do it. You fucking coward, pull the trigger! A knock sounded at the door. Shit! Why can't I die in peace?

"Who is it?" Nobody answered, but they knocked again. Was it a friend? My brother? Giving up, I opened the door, and seeing who it was, caused me to go into shock.

"Baby, I'm sorry that I left you. I love you..."

"Toni..." That was all I said until all I saw was black.


Sorry it's a little short, but I was listening to Who Is It on repeat while writing this because I had some inspiration. Excuse any mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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