Masquerade Bust Pt. 2

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I woke up, naked, in a king size bed, with an arm wrapped around my waist. I moved my disheveled hair from my face, trying to remember what happened last night. I wasn't drunk. All I had was one glass of champagne. I stretched, getting out of bed, causing Toni to groan and turn the other way. I made my way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked at closet through the reflection, and everything came back to me. Shit. I went into the secret hole, opening the top, seeing it was still there. I sighed in relief, covering the hole back up and used the bathroom. I came out to see Toni still asleep. Captain is going to chew my ass out. Probably would want my badge, too. I was lost in my thoughts, that I didn't know Toni was trying to get my attention.

"Helloooo... earth to Janet," she sat up in bed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Toni. Good morning," I climbed in next to her. I pecked her lips, but she deepend the kiss. She rolled over on top me, caressing my body. "You're in a good mood this morning," I chuckled.

"Mhm. I'll be in a better one if we could go again..." She spoke lowly in between pecks.

"As much as I would love to, I have to go home. I'm a little busy today," Toni started to whine, making me laugh yet feel bad. "I'll come back to see you again," I held her face.

"You promise?" I kissed her pouted lips.

"I promise. Now, do you have any clothes I could wear, I don't wanna leave out in a ball gown,"

Toni got out of bed and went into her dresser pulling out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. Don't worry, y'all I got a good view of that big ass stallion resting in between her legs. Damn, it's getting me wet all over again. She came back over with the clothes in her hands.

"Ma'am," she curtseys holding them up. I laugh at her, hitting her shoulder. I take them, and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower, Toni was in the kitchen with two cups of coffee. As we were talking, I had a weird I was forgetting something, but I shook it off. Toni walked me out where Williams waited. I entered the car then it dawned on me. I forgot my gun in Toni's bathroom. Shit!


I walked Janet to the door, and watched her enter a black out Lincoln. There was something about her...I couldn't really put my finger on it. I like her...a lot, but there's something that I'm missing. I went upstairs and took a shower. When I walked into the closet, I noticed the floorboard was tampered with. I pulled it off and saw an unfamiliar gun. Being smart, I grabbed a rubber glove and removed it. It was cute...a 357 Derringer. I put it on my nightstand. Maybe Janet knows about it. I had to reach her again. I went to my office and began to look her up on my computer. After a few minutes of scrolling, I finally found her.

"Fuck!" I banged my fists on my desk. "She's a cop!" I gritted my teeth. I furiously got up and got dressed. I went to the office, and wrote down her address. I had a plan...


"Janet, you are so gonna get it when you get to the station," Williams told me for the millionth time.

"I know, damn! Quit reminding me. No, you know what? Get out. If you're gonna keep telling me how Captain is gonna detain my badge and shit. I already left my damn gun at her place." I mumbled the last part stomping upstairs.

"Fine," I'm gone. I heard the door shut. I sighed, frustrated. My doorbell ring, which made me even more mad. I swung open the door. "What?!" My eyes widened when I saw who it was.

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