Need a Ride? (short)

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I finished wiping down the last table and walked back into the kitchen where my co-worker, Janet was drying the dishes. I grabbed the mop and bucket, preparing to mop the floor.

"I can finish cleaning and lock up. Plus, you've been on your feet all day, go home and get some rest."

"It's okay, plus the bus should be here after I lock the door." I filled the bucket with water and cleaner and mopped the dining area of the diner."

"How about I give you a ride. You know how dangerous it is for a woman to walk alone at night, in the rain. I'll wait for you."

"No Janet, just on home, no need to worry. Thank you though" I gave her a smile.

She gave me a look, before putting her hands up, walking out the diner. I watched her run to her car and went back to mopping.


I cut out all the lights, locking the back and front door, walking to the bus stop. I heard the hiss of the engine, and started to run, but it was difficult due to my vision in the rain and my heels.

"No, no, no, no! Wait please!" The bus had already pulled off into traffic. "Dammit!" I should've said yes to Janet's offer.

I tried to call her, but my phone was dead. Just great. I tightened my coat around my body, and started to walk. A car pulled up slowly, and I started to get nervous and pick up the pace. I heard the car door slam and footsteps began to follow me.

"Need a ride?" I heard a familiar voice. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.


She took me hand, opening the passenger door helping me in. She turned up the heat, and started driving me home.

"Thanks, J" she glanced at me then the road.

"You're welcome, Tone."

A/N: I tried to make this all cute, but nahhhhh no where near😭

Excuse any mistakes

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