Love Bites

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Janet stood behind Toni, inhaling her sweet scent.

"Mmm..." Toni shivered under the vampire's control, as she was scared to move, knowing what could've happened.

"Do I make you nervous, Toni?" Janet asked lowly, in Toni's ear. Her soft, yet cold hands rubbed up and down her smooth and delicate, warm arms. Toni struggled to let out her words. "Don't be nervous..." Janet trailed soft kisses down her new lover's neck to her almost exposed shoulder. Toni let out a moan, tilting her head to give Janet more access. Janet continued to mark Toni's body, wrapping her arm around the woman's petite waist. Toni could to nothing but look down at her lovers hands, each finger covered with mood rings.

"Oh God..." Toni trailed off. Janet's mouth slightly opened causing her fangs to brush against Toni's shoulder. It struck a nerve causing Toni's shoulder to switch, and her body to shiver. Janet gently grabbed Toni's chin to become face to face, kissing her plump lips. They moaned together causing vibrations through the kiss. Toni reached around to the back of Janet's head, gently gripping the jet black curls, deepening the heated kiss. Not pulling away from the kiss, Janet leads Toni the the king size bed, neatly made with a red satin comforter.

"Are you ready?" Janet asked as she stood up, unbuttoning her white blouse, shrugging it off her shoulders. Toni trailed her eyes up and down Janet's toned body, from her abs to her chest, where a black bra held her breast.

"Whenever you are..." Toni smirked, as she undressed as well laying back in the bed.

Janet cracked a smile, flashing her fangs that were ready for action. She hovered over Toni, holding eye contact with her, her eyes flashing a pretty gold. Toni pulled her down kissing her deeply. Accidentally, she pierced her tongue on Janet's left fang. She winced in pain, but felt pleasure when Janet started to suck on it. Janet moved down to Toni's neck. Her heartbeat picked up, watching the vein pulsate through her lover's neck. Her thirst for blood pressuring her more to just go for it. She lowered her lips, the tips of her fangs at the base of her neck. Her teeth sunk it, not too far, but far enough to pierce the surface of the flesh. Toni let out a moan, almost close to a scream, as Janet began to suck a small portion of blood, finishing off with a long soothing lick to diminish the pain.

"What did you just do?" Toni asked in small concern.

"Don't worry baby, I just gave you a small love bite. Let's go to sleep." Toni cuddled up in Janet's chest, securely wrapping their arms around each other.

Alrighty, here's an update. Sorry for pulling a CoryxKenshin. Since everyone writing about vampires, I figured I should too. JTSQUADD and Mcl99_ I'm super sorry if it's terrible, I've written this changing it up. Excuse any mistakes.❤️

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