Masquerade Bust Pt. 1

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"Jackson, I need you in my office," placing the handset back on the receiver, I stood up from my desk and made my way to the Captain's office.

"What's up Cap't?" I sat in front of his desk. He placed a file in front of me.

"Toni Braxton, most wanted. She's the last of the Braxton mafia. She's having a masquerade ball tonight," I opened the file, looking at the pictures and skimming through the reports. Damn, she's fine...he's picking the wrong one to take this case. "Just so you know, she knows her way very well with the ladies," definitely picking the wrong one.

"And you want me to go to this ball?" I focused my eyes back on the captain.

"Bingo. I've already paid for a gown. The theme was black, but we gave you red. I want Toni's attention focused on you," he stood up, going into a cabinet. He pulled out the gown he wanted me to wear. "So, how do you like it?" I was astonished by the beauty of the dress. "Oh, yeah, here's your mask," he pulled out a red dazzled mask with red feathers. "The party starts at 9, I'll have Detective Williams as your chauffeur," I nodded taking the gown, and taking it home.


It was now 8 PM, and I applying my make up for the ball. I'll admit, I was so nervous, and praying I wouldn't break out into a sweat. I gathered my clutch, the mask, and my 357 Derringer, placing it in my garter holster. I chose to look over Braxton's file, while I waited for Williams to arrive. As I kept, reading, the more distracted I got over her pictures, she was mildly attractive with her hazel eyes. She stood at 6"2, and...intersex. That was an eyebrow raiser. A knock sounded at my door.

"Jackson, are you ready?" I opened the door and gathered my belongings.

"Yep. Let's do this," we walked to the all blacked out Lincoln. He opened my door, and drove us to a private property where a very large mansion sat. Williams parked in front of the stairs. Opening my door, he escorted me up the stairs.

"Okay, Jackson. I'll be in the car. Good luck, detective," she gave me an assuring pat on the shoulder, before pulling off. I placed my mask, and walked in. It was immediately all eyes on me. Everyone was dressed in black, but me and another who stood at the top of the stairs. She looked back and forth across the room, until she stopped looking down at me. We continued to stare at each other as she ascended down the stairs. There she stood in her red velvet suit. Her wrist sported a silver diamond studded Rolex. She took my hand and brought it to her lips.

"Hmm, the invitation called for black attire," her voice was deep in sultry. If only she was closer to my ear... damnit Jackson! Focus!

"Well, guess I'm a rule breaker," she chuckled. She looped her arm around me, and led me a couch. She waved over a server, who was carrying a tray of Champagne. Grabbing to glasses, she handed me a glass. We gave a quick toast, before taking a sip. "So, you're the infamous Toni Braxton?" She looked down at her lap then back at me.

"Guilty," we shared a laugh. She's pretty wise with keeping the small talk. Captain warned me about that. I had to push the conversation up a different level, and I knew exactly how.

"So, Miss Braxton-"

"Please, call me Toni," she held up her hand.

"Okay, Toni..." I looked around at all the expensive decor, until my eyes focused on a giant painting. "That painting over there, what is it?"

"That's a popular piece by Salvador Dalí. It's called The Great Masturbator. Every ball, I hold auctions of a painting up on that wall." She smiled proudly. She won't be for long. I'd hate to spoil her fun

"How much can one buy it for?" As I asked the question, a gentleman looked at me then back at Toni. Toni made a signal with her hand, causing the guy to turn back around. Got her.

"Oh, I'd say...around 500 grand,"

"Hmm, I think you can up the price. Say...900?" I took a sip of my champagne. Toni shifted uncomfortably in her seat, clearing her throat.

"Um, m-maybe. Would you like to dance..."

"Janet, and I'd love to," She nodded and grabbed my hand. Walking to the dance floor, we stood at the center, as the orchestra performed a Waltz. Toni's arms wrapped around my waist, as I wrapped mine around her neck. 

"Okay, out with it. What are you trying to do here?"

"Whatever do you mean? That gentleman you signaled to, he's my arch nemesis in auctioning. Don't know his name, but he's a pain in the ass,"

"Really? We'll see. Hey, George-"

"Shh!" I quickly covered my mouth. "Please, just- let's continue dancing."

Toni, just sighed, and we continued. I have to say, she's an amazing dancer. It was very peaceful dancing with her. As the number came to an end, Toni dipped me. The crowd applauded, and Toni escorted me out of the crowd.

"Let's go somewhere private. I want to know you more. There's something about you that draws me to you."

"Sounds fun," she smirked, leading me upstairs to her bedroom. She's a fast one. I stood in front of her giant vanity, and just now remembered the mask. I carefully removed it, making sure I didn't mess up my hair. Toni stared at me through the mirror. "Like what you see?" I smirked.

"I-I mean, you're just... stunning," she approached me, wrapped her arms around my waist. She nuzzled her face into my neck. "Mmm, you smell amazing," she peppered my neck with small kisses. "Makes me want to do some things," she whispered seductively in my ear. I felt her friend press up against me, causing me to giggle.

"Someone's excited," I turned around in her arms. Her hazel pupils stared back into mine. A couple of seconds passed, and we're already making out on her king size bed. I almost got carried away, until I remembered my gun. "Um, I need to use the bathroom. Excuse me," I gently pushed her off, and entered the bathroom. It was very spacious. I looked at where I could hide my gun. I spotted a small closet filled with other suits and shoes. I saw something odd about the flooring, I ran my hand across, and saw that it was a secret hole, hiding a variety of pistols. Smirking, I placed my gun on top. Standing up, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands to make it seem convincing. Opening the door, I saw Toni in the process of taking off her clothes. "How dare you try to start without me," I wrapped myself around her from behind.

"I was becoming impatient. But you're here now," she kissed my lips, unzipping the back of my dress. I finished the rest of the buttons on her shirt, pushing it off her shoulders. After we were both in our naked glory, she backed me up onto the bed, and fucked the night away...


I always wanted to write something like this but could never get it right. But I think I like this one. Hope y'all enjoy! Comment your thoughts and vote❤️
Excuse any mistakes!!

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