Forgive Me

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"You love me right?" She asked, sitting at the foot of the bed, pulling me close to her by my waist.

"Yeah" I responded bluntly with my arms crossed.

"Good, 'cause if you love me, you can forgive me" she said looking up at me smiling cockily. I rolled my eyes unwrapping her arms from my waist attempting to walk away.

"Okay, okay, come back" she grabbed ahold of my wrist.

"And why should I forgive you?" I raised my eyebrows putting my hands on my hips.

"I told you I was sorry. I thought it would be funny.

"So you call drawing on my face with sharpie while I was sleeping, knowing I had an important meeting to go to funny?" I ask raising my voice.

"You couldn't cover the access with makeup?" I punched her on shoulder going downstairs.

"Ow! Mike Tyson, damn!" She whined rubbing her shoulder. Dramatic ass.

I sat at the kitchen island scrolling through my phone. I felt her toned feminine arms wrap around me. Although I was mad at her, her embrace always make I anger go down, but I still kept my guard up.

"How about I make it up to you" she trailed kisses down my neck.

"N-no Janet" I was fighting a battle and was losing miserably. I pushed at her chess, but she grabbed me again, this time picking me up. My arms immediately wrapped around her neck, and my legs around her torso. Her soft lips connected with mine, and out tongues exploring each other's mouth.

A soft and short moan escaped my lips as we continued our make out session. She reached the bedroom tossing me onto the bed. Both of us were trying to catch our breaths. She began to undress me down to my bra and panties. She hovered on top of me kissing my forehead, to my nose, to my lips, and further down my body until she reached my chest. She unclasped my bra causing my breast to spill out and sit perfectly on my chest. She licked her lips, grabbing my breast squeezing and massaging them

"Oh...shit..." I whispered out, my eyes closing in pure bliss. I felt her warm tongue lick my areola, and softly suck while she showed attention to another with her magical hands. I entangled my hand into her curly brown hair, as my breathing began to pick up.

She started kissing down my stomach, reaching my bikini line pulling down my pants along with my underwear. I shuddered when her hands brushed against me as she continued to pull down my pants. She spread my legs revealing my soaking wet treasure.

"Mmm...looks like someone's ready" she teasingly kissed my inner thighs pissing me off.

"Jan..." I trailed off getting frustrated and more turned on

"Yeah?" She continued on kissing my thighs her lips eventually brushing against my treasure.

"Please... don't tease me" I whimpered.

"I love it when you beg" she spoke lowly.

She dove in without warning, causing my back to arch up in the air, as I started to moan uncontrollably. She flicked her tongue rapidly against my clit, I went insane.

"Ohhh... shit baby, just like that, goshhhhh d-don't stoppppp" I screamed, bucking my hips. She began to pump two fingers in and out of me while continuing her work me with her tongue.

"Babyyy, I- I'm gonna cum" I felt my high rising as she began to pump and lick faster than before.

"Hold it..." She sternly commanded.

"I can't, baby pleaseeeee let meeee" tears began to run down my face.

"You can and you will" she added another finger, along with her tongue. "Cum"

As soon as the word was said, my muscles tightened and loosened as I let go my juices, into her mouth. My body went limp as I started to catch my breath. She kissed me full on, making me taste myself on her tongue

"Damn..." We both said at the same time, causing us to laugh. She crawled off the bed into the bathroom to wash her hands. She came back removing her clothes, climbing into bed and pulling me on top of her.

"You forgive me now?" She softly asked rubbing my scalp, the little things she does...Lord help me.

"Yeah...I forgive you" she chuckled lightly kissing the top of my head.

"I love you baby girl"

"Love you too" I said drowsily, and sleep took over me in just matter of 2 seconds.


A/N: y'all this my very first time writing smut. Sorry if it sucks. I think Imma keep this book going, I'll make my drafts/ unpublished books the one shots.

Love y'all!!!

Excuse any mistakes.

TJHONEYS you want an update, here's one.

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