A "normal" day

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                                                        (Giyuu's Point Of View)

                          It is a normal day for Giyuu, waking up (around 6 AM) and changing his clothes like usual(around 6:30 AM). He goes and eats his breakfast (around 7 AM) and suddenly, his crow came and gave me a message "CAW CAW, CAW CAW. Hashira Meeting today at 8 AM."

 He finished eating quickly (7:30 AM) and head to the meeting. On my way to the meeting, I bumped into Sanemi by 'accident'. I fell on top of Sanemi, as I stare at his face, his beautiful white hair, his purple eyes shining brightly, even his face is beautiful, his scars are unique, his-"get off me shithead." I got off him, I was blushing so badly he looked so handsome up close. I am embarrassed (are you or is it that you have a crush on him). "Let's go we're late for the meeting shithead," he said. I can only nod as I am too embarrassed to talk. So, we head to the meeting together.

                                                        (Sanemi's Point Of View)

                       It is always a boring day, I wake up (4 AM), and change my clothes (4:30 AM). As I was training (5-7 AM), My crow came in and gave me a message "CAW CAW, CAW CAW. Hurry up and eat breakfast, Hashira meeting at 8 AM."

As I finished eating breakfast (7:30 AM), I head to the meeting. While heading to the meeting the loner Giyuu 'bumped' into me.

He fell on top of me, The loner is on top of me as my mind is heating up and I am visibly blushing. His beautiful black hair, his beautiful ocean eyes his complexion is just...What are you thinking?! He is the loner get a hold of yourself. And I finally said (and the only thing that can come out of my mouth) "get off me shithead." As I got up, I told him "Let's go we're late for the meeting shithead." As Giyuu nodded, they head to the meeting together. 

                                                 (3rd Person Point Of View)

                As they were going to the meeting, they arrived 30 minutes late which is around 8:30. They both entered the meeting with all the Hashiras staring at them. "What do you want?" Sanemi said with a harsh voice.  Tengen said "You came in with Tomioka, isn't it suspicious?" in a teasing voice. "SHUT UP!" Sanemi said in a very angry voice. Shinobu walked close to Giyuu and teased him "Tomioka-san what did you and Shinazugawa-san do? you guys are lucky Oyakata-sama is not yet here." But Giyuu still did not answer but both of them looks very red like something romantic happened to them.

"Kya~ did something happen to you guys on the way!?" Mitsuri said, "No Kanroji, We bumped into each other." he said. "HAAH!? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO BUMPED INTO ME AND WE FELL AND YOU KEPT STARING AT ME. ISN'T THAT CREEPY!?" Sanemi said, "Sorry, Shinazugawa." Giyuu said. "I AM GONNA-" Sanemi stopped speaking immediately after Oyakata-sama walked in. "Sorry for being late my children." he said.

"We all greet Oyakata-sama." some of the Hashiras said except for Muichiro, Sanemi, Giyuu, and Iguro. 

(Going to update once or twice a month, this is my first time writing a story, sorry if it did not reach your satisfaction. I guess I will upload more parts like twice a week if possible if not just once a week. Word Count: 566)

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