Part 6: The Grandmother

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(No one's POV)

Sanemi and Giyuu finally went together to their mission. As they were walking by a village, they saw an old woman carrying heavy stuff and no one was helping her. Instead, they made fun of how poor she is. 

Sanemi can't take how mean the people were to the grandmother so when someone was going to throw a rock at the old lady, he caught the rock with his bare hands and scolded the little kids for bullying the grandmother (He most likely yelled at the kids than scolding). 

Sanemi and Giyuu helped the grandmother up and insisted to carry the heavy stuff she has. They followed the old lady back to her home. The old lady kept thanking them though they told her it was nothing they were just helping her. The old lady told them she appreciated their help and insisted that they stay in the village for the night, Which Giyuu and Sanemi has no other choice but to oblige. 

The grandmother told them something that has been in her memory ever since that day. The boys looked at her, surprised. She said that her father was a demon slayer but when she was 12, her father never came back home as promised. She said that the uniforms that they were wearing is from the Demon Slayer Corps and she reassures them that everything is fine here since there is wisteria everywhere in her house.

She told them to rest well. Sanemi hesitates... he knew that the old lady haven't said her name so he asked her about her name. She said her name is Katsumi...

That was the time Sanemi remembered, Katsumi... !  She's a demon, there was no wisteria when we passed by and her house hasn't been kept clean. The kitchen looks like it hasn't been touched for a long time. Sanemi rushed and sliced the demon's head. Giyuu looked at him in shock, but Sanemi could care less about his emotion at the moment.

Katsumi, whose head is currently on the ground, told them that "I knew this would be my fate... I never wanted to kill you anyway... Curse that Kibutsuji Muzan..."




How he knew Katsumi was because Oyakata-sama said something about her betraying Muzan but ends up losing control at the sight of blood once so.. She was considered an enemy to the Corps.

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