In the Wind Estate

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                                              (Sanemi's Point Of View)

                 Genya knocked on my door while I was eating ohagi and relieving my temper but my temper rise when I heard him say "Aniki, the Water Hahira is here."

My temper rose and I shouted "HE'S FVCKING HERE!? I TOLD HIM TO COME THIS EVENING NOT IN THE AFTERNOON!" after I finished eating ohagi, I opened the door to let him in (cause why not?)

                                               (Giyuu's Point Of View)

             I heard from outside of his room that he is yelling I can hear him clearly through the door. As he opened his door, I walked into Shinazugawa's room, his room looked plain and there isn't much to do in his room other than sit down, train or sleep. I said, "Shinazugawa, I brought you some ohagi." he didn't answer so I continued talking "Shinazugawa, the Hashiras are planning to surprise you with a sleepover in your estate." after I said that it is visible that he is angry. I saw him training, so I asked him "Can I join your training please?" I don't know why but he suddenly looks red in the face.

                                                (Sanemi's Point Of View again)

             I am angry that they are planning to have a sleepover in my estate without telling me, I mean Y/N cannot make that much food for the Hashiras especially when he/she still need to bandage my not-yet-healed wounds if that is what he/she calls it. As I heard Tomioka say "Can I join your training please?" my face flushed red, SINCE WHEN DID HE GET SO CUTE!? 

I accidentally wounded myself after he said that. I yelled "Y/N! come here RIGHT NOW!" Y/N sprang into my room holding a first aid kit, disinfectant, bandages, and something I don't think he/she needs garlic. "Yes, brother Shinazugawa?"Y/N said. "Help me with my fucking wounds."

"Ok?" Y/n said, "You know I don't feel comfortable with the energy you three created in the room today." in a very weird voice. "Just get on with it, you already know I don't have any wisterias in my estate," I said. Y/n continued bandaging my wounds quickly, after he/she rises I can finally go back to training. "Fine then Tomioka, we can fight to the death with fists you know? or you have any objections that is?" I said in a flirty type of voice. I smirked as I saw his face as red as Genya's face when he is near Y/n (not ship readers!!)

                                              (Giyuu's Point Of View again)

                 After he said that my face flushed with a big very visible blush. I nodded after a few seconds and go training with him. It is now 5:30 PM and we heard loud knocking and commotion outside his door. I heard Y/n say "LET ME OPEN THE DOOR, COMING!!" while he/she hurriedly ran to the door.

                                             (Y/n's Point Of View)

                    "LET ME OPEN THE DOOR, COMING!!" I yelled as I hurriedly opened the door, as I opened the door the Hashiras looked at me with disbelief and the sound Hashira yelled "WHO IS HE/SHE SHINAZUGAWA?" he almost made me half deaf with his voice. "HE/SHE IS MY PERSONAL DOCTOR UZUI!!" brother Shinazugawa yelled back.

(I can update every weekday but not weekends sometimes I will try updating daily. Sometimes I will pause some chapters to put the time into schoolwork, which is boring. I will update more often next week. In my summer vacation time, I might not update <(_ _)>   SEE YOU NEXT WEEK READERS!! Word Count: 581 )

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