The Sleepover Part 2

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                                    (This chapter will have more drama y'all)

                                        (Giyuu's Point Of View)

            I didn't know Shinazugawa likes dogs... Well maybe because dogs hate me. But seeing Shinazugawa care for the dogs is heartwarming. After everyone moved to a bigger guest room, Y/n said, "It's time to eat."

As everyone prepares to go to eat, we wore our yukata or kimono since we are in Shinazugawa's estate. We were walking to the dining room (which looks cleaner than the guest room), then we heard Shinazugawa and Y/n talking and decided to eavesdrop on them.

I heard Y/n say, "Brother Shinazugawa, are you really going to let them stay here for the night? you know I am fine with Mr. Tomioka but not the others." in a scared type of tone. "Don't worry, you can stay in your room for the night while we chat away. Since all the Hashiras cannot fit in the guest room, we should probably let 2 or 3 Hashiras sleep in my room." Shinazugawa said.

The Hashiras that are eavesdropping with me like all of them except for Shinazugawa are shocked by Shinazugawa's sudden option. Then we suddenly heard Y/n say something interesting something worth listening to, "Come on I know you have a crush on someone you cannot deny it at all. You can tell me brother Shinazugawa, just whisper it would do." and we heard some whispers but we don't know what they say. 

The door opened and the Hashiras fell except for me as I am far from them. "Why the hell are you listening to us huh shitheads?" Shinazugawa spoked. "We heard talking so we eavesdrop, So Shinazugawa, who is your crush?" I said unfazed by him.

                                     (Sanemi's Point Of View)

           Why did he ask who my crush is? Ugh, I can't handle such things to tell them. I can tell my face is red, but why does Tomioka have to say such things. Now all eyes are on me and Y/n. "Why do you care? After all, telling it will be a spoil to my mood. now go to eat and I and Y/n prepare the games in the training dojo." I said death glaring at them. Once they go to eat all they can, we prepared the games the closets, the maid suits, some accessories, some chairs, and the bottle.

After they finished eating they head to the training room, they saw their nightmares. Some of the Hashiras tried to flee but the door is now shut tight. Now they faced me in the middle of the room with 10 chairs, 2 which are occupied and 8 which aren't. Y/n took a spinning wheel she/he made herself, and spin it. All of our names are placed on it. It spun Uzui in the first and Kyojuro in the second. The room is filling up with tense energy because no one is talking, I and Y/n took Uzui and Kyojuro into the closet, the Hashiras are scared asf that they cannot move anymore. Y/n said in a happy voice "May the seven minutes in the closet start now." his/her voice relieved the tension in the room, as I told the Hashiras we can actually see them through the window as the closet has a window that can be seen from one side but the other cannot. 

(Sorry for the late publishing, schoolwork piling up. I am going to finish them which will take around two days but will still publish. Sometime this week AkaRen would have a new part. Word Count: 586 )

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