Last Preparations at the Gym and Checking Up

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The next day, I was back at Motostoke and today I decided to go to the Gym, since I received reports and heard rumors that a few Challengers have already beaten Nessa. FINALLY!

But my injury still wasn't good, since I still struggled a little with walking.

Eventually I reach the Gym and there I find Chairman Rose and Oleana seemingly waiting for me.

They both see me and Rose gives me a smile and starts.

Rose: "Ah, just the person I wanted to see. Hello Mister Y/N."

I lean against the wall to rest and reply.

Y/N: "Oh, good morning mister Rose. Miss Oleana."

Oleana slightly nods her head, keeping the same face.

It actually freaked me out a little, but okay.

Rose: "Bea told me what happened to you yesterday. How is the wound?"

Y/N: "Well, it still hurts, but it's definitely better than yesterday."

Rose: "That's a relief, but I also would recommend you don't open the Gym today."

Y/N: "Wha? Why?"

Oleana: "The safety of our employees is a priority, Mister Y/N. Don't try to fight it, just accept it." She replies in an authoritative tone of voice but remaining that same face.

Y/N: *sigh* "Alright, fine." I reply, bummed out.

Then Rose chimes in with an idea.

Rose: "Well, don't be like that. We didn't come here just for that. We also wanted to see your Gym Mission. Melony and Kabu told me that you made some adjustments to it, am I right?"

Then I light up immediately.

Y/N: "Oh yeah. I made some great changes, I know some people might think it's dumb, but I'm pretty satisfied with it."

Rose: "Oh? Is that so?"

Y/N: "Well, follow me." I say as I lead them further into the stadium.


We eventually reach the room where the Gym Mission will be taking place.

The place in question was a round room, inside the stadium. The room was full of small grasses and some trees, simulating a kind of forest, however, the main detail was the temperature, which I acclimatized with a very cold temperature.

Rose, being somewhat bothered by the temperature says.

Rose: "Wow, d-don't you think i-it's a l-little bit cold in h-here?" He says, visibily shaking.

Y/N: "Ha. I was basically raised in Shoal Cave, this is nothing for me. Not only that, but I'm also doing that cause of the Pokemons."

Rose: "Huh? Pokemons."

Then he looks at the tall grass and spots a few Pokemon running around.

Rose: "I see, so you kept in a similar fashion as Kabu's mission."

Y/N: "Yes, I just made ONE major change besides this one."

Rose: "Really?"

Y/N: "The objective is different. The objective of the mission is: the Challenger must find three Pokemons and return them to the assistant inside the room. But care must be taken as Challengers will not be able to use their Pokemon during the mission. So they will need to be smart. The main tip I give is, understand the Pokemons and they will understand you."

Ice Punch (Bea x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now