06. My Tongue Has Been Destroyed

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Romeo had the nicest house out of any of us. He lived in a neighborhood where the houses all looked the same, with huge yards and nice backyards.

There were still Christmas lights strung up in the tree and on the roof of his house. Which my mom pointed out when she pulled into the driveway to drop me and Nia off. Indy had plans with her dance friends, but made me promise to bring her back some pizza.

"Call when you need me to pick you up," my mom said as I reached to open the door. Nia was already out the car, heading to the back gate.

"Romeo will drop us off."

Wrong words. My mom looked like she'd just bitten into the most sour lemon on the planet. "He has his license?"

"He got it months ago."

She was still hesitant. "I don't know. Have you driven with him before?"

"No, but--"

"Just call when you're ready, okay?"

Arguing with her would've been pointless. When she went into Protective Mode, there was no reasoning with her. "Okay."

She kissed my cheek and I climbed out of the car. Romeo, Keraun and Jason were setting ingredients on a table. The pizza oven Mr. Hayward had been working on since November had been put together, a couple of wooden logs burning on the inside.

Keraun was trying to convince Romeo and Jason that gluten-free dough was actually good.

"I don't trust the taste buds of anyone who thinks mushrooms are good," Jason said, frowning at the box of pre-made gluten-free dough Keraun was waving around.

Jason had shaggy blonde hair that fit his surfer vibe. Cargo shorts and flip-flops, no matter the weather, apparently. And the weather was very cold that day.

On the surface, Keraun and Jason had nothing in common. Keraun was Black and loved a good fantasy novel. Jason was white and loved a good nap. But Keraun seemed to really like him, which was the important part.

The date they had last weekend must've gone great if Keraun was willing to let him meet us.

"Thank you," Romeo exclaimed, pointing at Jason. "He gets it. No one who eats those things should be making decisions about the food."

"You know what? More for me!"

Romeo laughed. Jason patted Keraun's shoulder, holding back his own smile. "I'll have some with you."

"Oh, no, don't do me any favors," he said, adjusting his glasses. "I'll enjoy my pizza on my own."

Nia popped up beside me. "I should've brought my bikini," she said, looking at the hot tub with longing.

"That thing works?" Jason asked, going over to squat next to it, dipping his fingers in.

"Yeah, but it needs cleaning," Romeo told him as he popped a cold pepperoni into his mouth. "My brother and his girlfriend were in there the other night."

Jason pulled his hand out of the water like it'd burned him. Romeo laughed at his reaction. Jason shut up him up when he flicked the water on his hand at him.

"What are you all standing around for?" Mr. Hayward asked when he came through the back door. "I thought you came to make pizzas?"

"Excuse me, where can I wash my hands?" Jason asked.

"Just rinse them in the hot tub," Mr. Hayward said. Jason's eyebrows shot up into his hairline, his mouth popping open.

We all laughed. We were used to his jokes. It was Jason's first time meeting Mr. Hayward. It was always fun to see how a newcomer reacted to his humor. His last victim was Nia, back when she moved to Valle Vista a year ago.

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