25. Look, It's The Run Away

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"What were you thinking?" My mom's voice boomed through the living room.

I'd lost count of how long we'd been there--me on the couch, Indy beside me for some much needed support, and my mom pacing back-and-forth, fuming. She hadn't let me get a word in, going on a rant every time I tried to answer her. If she knew why I left in the middle of the night...

"Anything could've happened to you."

"Nothing happened," I said, weakly.

I thought she'd talk over me again, but she stopped in the middle of the room. "That is not the point, Daya. You can't just leave whenever you want. You didn't leave a note or answer my messages or calls. And all of this for what? A scavenger hunt?"

She must've talked to Mr. Hayward. Indy turned to me, her dark eyes full of questions. I hated how easily she could read me. She knew I didn't sneak out for a game.

My stomach knotted. I had to tell her and my mom why I left. The words stuck in my throat. Tears stung my eyes.

"Well?" My mom snapped. Her question wasn't rhetorical that time.

I quickly wiped away a fallen tear. "I, um...I went to see Lamar."

Indy pulled away from me, her jaw hanging. She looked so betrayed. More tears fell. "You met him? You knew how to find him and didn't tell me?"

"Sorry," I choked out.

"What do you mean you met Lamar?" My mom demanded. "Why were either of you looking for him?"

Indy stood, staring down at me with hard eyes. She was on my side a second ago. Now she looked just as upset as my mom. She worked her mouth to say something else, but nothing came out. My sister was out the door in a huff.

"What is going on, Daya?" My mom joined me on the couch, a notable distance between us. "This past month you've been acting out. I know I've been busy with work and the blog, but you know you can talk to me."

"No, I can't." I said, finally looking up at her. "Not really. I don't mean to disrespect you, or your rules, but it's hard when you treat me like a baby."

"I'm just trying to keep you safe."

"From what?" I turned to her fully. "I can't get rides from my friends. I can't get my ears pierced. I was scared to even tell you about my date with Andre, because I thought you'd say I couldn't go. And you probably would've if Indy hadn't been there. Because apparently you trust her more than you trust me."

She shook her head, eyes glossy with unshed tears. "It's not that I don't trust you. I just..."

"What is it then?"

"I don't want to lose you again."

Again? "What are you talking about?"

Tears spilled down her cheeks. After a breath to steady herself, she told me, "You were taken when you were a baby."

I froze, my mind going a mile a minute. "What do you mean 'taken'?"

She stared down at her hands, wringing her fingers. "You were two and I'd started taking nursing classes. My neighbor, Jackie, and I had a deal to watch each other's kids from time to time. She'd been watching you for months without incident. Then, one day, I went to pick you up after I finished my class...and you were gone. Jackie and her son were gone. That house was empty."

My mom scrubbed tears from her chin before continuing. "At first, I thought she took you two to the park--she did that sometimes. But after she ignored all my calls, I started to panic. When I called the police, they questioned me like I did something to you. I could feel them judging me, blaming me. And I just wanted you back."

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