17. They're Both Vegetables

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Waking up to find Indy standing over me with a fork was a deeply unsettling sight.

She was still there when I got back from my date, taking up my entire bed. She slept like a rock and I gave up trying to wake her up or push her to one side. So I spent the night on the couch.

I didn't mind too much. From where I was, through a slight crack in the curtains, I had the perfect view of where Andre had parked his car. Where I kissed him. Even if it was just on the cheek.

"Talk." Indy demanded, sitting half on the couch, half on my stomach.

I moved out from under her and sat up. "I have to pee."

"You promised to tell me if anything happened with Andre," she said, pointing her fork at me. "And you got home late, missy."

"How would you know? You were sleep." I pushed her hand and the fork away from my face. "And why are you walking around with weapons?"

"I'm making breakfast and was hoping the smell of bacon would wake you up." It was sad that the bacon was what woke me up. "And I know you were late because Lakesha from dance told me she saw you at the café."

Of course she'd have spies. "I have to pee," I repeated, throwing the blankets off me.

Indy followed me down the hall as I went to close myself in the bathroom.

"Was it a repeat of what happened in the closet?" She shouted from the other side of the door.

I yanked it back open. "Are you trying to get me in trouble?"

"Auntie Jailah is at the store getting eggs," she told me. "So, hurry and tell me everything before she gets back."

My bladder screamed at me. "We had fun, ate cupcakes and I kissed him," I said really quickly and shut the door before I peed myself.

The door busted open just as I sat down. "You kissed him?"

"I'm peeing!"

"You kissed him," she said again, that time mostly to herself.

"Only on the cheek," I mumbled.

She held her hands over her heart, pretending to wipe a tear away. "They grew up so fast."


She threw her hands up. "Fine. I can take a hint."

"I'm so glad we don't live in the same house!" I said after she closed the door.

After finishing up in the bathroom, I found my mom in the kitchen unpacking groceries. "Morning," she said, putting a carton of milk in the fridge.

"Morning." I grabbed a crispy piece of bacon from a plate by the stove. "Where's Indy?"

"Something about a dance emergency." I wondered if it was that Mariah chick again. 

Indy had only finished the bacon, so Mom and I made omelets.

"Did you have fun last night?" she asked, poking the omelet with a spatula.

She had fallen asleep in the armchair waiting for me, her laptop nearly sliding off her lap as she worked on her latest review for her blog. When I woke her, I thought for sure she'd ground me for getting home late. Instead, she just went up to bed.

"Yeah." I glanced at her, looking for any signs of disapproval. When I saw none, I filled her in on the rest: How Andre talked them into playing Kazaam, how bored everyone else was, the cupcakes. I kept the kiss to myself, not sure how she'd react.

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