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Despite how tightly my mom hugged me, I still jumped when the earring gun pierced my ear. It didn't hurt. It was like a quick pinch, but the gun was scary looking. Indy snickered from somewhere behind me. If the woman wasn't prepping my other ear, I would've turned to glare at her. The second piercing wasn't as scary, but I was glad it was done with.

"Now, remember to clean them," my mom said as we left out of Claire's. "At least twice a day. With alcohol."

"I got it, Mom." I would've been annoyed with her repeating that for the hundredth time that day, but nothing could kill my happy.

In a few hours, I was going to have my first official date with Romeo. It had been two weeks since we kissed. Two very long, very painful weeks of not being able to see him beyond the few minutes at school.

But I was no longer on punishment. My mom wanted to show that she heard me when I told her she treated me like a baby at times and offered to take me to get my ears done.

She also took this opportunity to wear the sweatshirt with my design on it. I couldn't wait until Mother's Day to give it to her. And with all the free time I had while I was on punishment, I was able to really focus on finishing it. I took Andre's advice, drawing a portrait of my mom surrounded by butterflies.

Indy only tagged along to laugh at me being a wimp, I guessed. "Where is Rome taking you tonight?" She asked once we were back in the car.

"I told him not to tell me." I wanted to be surprised. Also, less details meant less things for me to obsess about.

Nervous wasn't a big enough word. I've hung out with Romeo numerous times before, but, for obvious reasons, this time was going to be different. My stomach was a wreck with anticipation.

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I smoothed out the skirt of my dress--purple and ruffled and paired nicely with my white tennis shoes. When the doorbell rang, I nearly jumped out of my skin.

My mom and Indy were doing their own things around the house, but came out when they heard the door. My mom looked like she was about to cry again. Indy adjusted the sleeve on my dress. They'd been fussing with me for a while. It was nice, but I also wanted them to go away.

"Shoo," I said, flicking my wrists at them. They left the entryway, going to the living room and pretending they weren't watching as I opened the door.

Butterflies filled my stomach when I saw the smile on his face. Romeo wore dark jeans and a short-sleeved button-up shirt. My cheeks were already hurting from grinning and he made it worse when he brought out a bouquet from behind his back.

"Are those Pop-Tarts?" My mom sounded deeply confused by the bouquet of white daisies and foiled wrapped pastries.

I took the flowers, holding them to my face. "Hot fudge sundae, my favorite."

Indy sighed, standing behind me now. "Why did I expect you two to go about this like normal people?"

Romeo and I shared another smile. I handed Indy the bouquet. "Put these in a vase for me. Please and thank you."

Romeo held out his hand for me to take. His touch turned my legs to jelly.

"Please bring her home at a decent hour," my mom demanded, giving Romeo a hard look.

"Bye," I said to them, closing the door behind me.

Out on the porch we were finally alone. The sun had started to set, bathing everything in an orange glow.

"You haven't said one word--"

His lips cut me off. My favorite type of interruption. I draped my arms over his shoulder. His hands were on my waist, pulling me flush against him. It was like someone set fireworks off across every inch of me he touched.

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