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prologue sike! it ain't

Christmas is supposed to be the best time of the year

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Christmas is supposed to be the best time of the year.

You're supposed to spend it with people you love, have a wonderful time. You're supposed to enjoy it, with whoever that might be. Happiness is the key to Christmas for most. Maybe not for some, but the overall worldwide vibe of Christmas is enjoyment and happiness (and presents and food).

So tell me, why wasn't that the case for a certain h/c haired girl, with the most beautiful e/c coloured eyes that shine purple whenever she uses her quirk?

Why, out of all days, did her life need to turn completely upside down again on such a wonderful day like Christmas.

It was supposed to be a beautiful day.

You were supposed to spend it with all your friends by your side and laugh, eat, and have so much fun.

But no, your mum decides to join you on this day, the woman who was supposed to be in jail, she who ruined your life forever.

You are shaking with anger as you look at the woman standing in front of you. How dare she blow up your house, your friends, everyone you love... Just so she could get back to you.

On Christmas of all days.

"Missed me, darling?"

You clench your jaw, the anger running through your whole body. Your hands are forming fists, and you move your right leg a little to the front, move your body a few degrees, now standing with blue energy floating over your body.

"You're a fucking psycho, mum."

The blue haired woman laughs.

For as long as you remember, you mum never had blue hair. She always had shiny, h/c coloured hair. It was always beautifully styled, a few curls on the sides, and elegant.

You remember your mother always looking beautiful. But now? You see nothing but an ugly woman in front of you, someone you wished you didn't share genes with.

"A psycho?" your mother chirpes, moving her finger to point at you. "You have my genes, darling. Doesn't that make you one too?" she says with a smirk.

"I'll never be like you!"

The blue energy that was previously flowing over your body has now started to get out of hand. Denki widens his eyes as he notices what is going to happen, and he slowly walks towards you.

Before he's next to you, your mother speaks as she lowers her hand.

"You're wrong."

The woman smirks at her daughter, her blue lips showing nothing more than evilness. The look she gives you cause Denki to have shivers run down his spine.

"I'm here to make you the perfect villain."

And at that moment, nothing that Denki or anyone does, will get to you.

Those words, those exact words, do something to you.

"I will never become like you," you say as calmly as possible, but in reality you can see that you're not calm.

The energy is going crazy, small sparks of energy fly from your body and hit your friends.

Denki is still trying to come closer, to help you calm down and save you from your evil mother. But sadly it has no effect, the words your mum said to you bring so much anger to you that your quirk is going crazy.

An even bigger smirk forms across your mothers face.

"We'll see about that. Thank you for your time, children! It's time for me to go."

Your mother bows. She looks up, her eyes meeting yours and a smirk still on her lips. She then steps aside "Mr. Compress, let's take her home."

And before anyone can react, Mr. Compress runs towards you, touches you and turns you into a marble, taking you with him and your mother.

Meaning you are now captured by the villains.

( ✰ )

riley speaks !

the prologue is out! i hope you liked it <3 let me know in the comments.

i was originally planning to write 7 more chapters for f*ck dating, but i couldn't fit the whole idea into those. atlas then gave me the amazing idea to write a sequel. so, here it is! hope you'll all enjoy the story <3

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