Chapter: ten Carlisle cullen

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Carlisle Cullen was born the son of an Anglican pastor. He was born sometime in 1640 in London, during a time of religious and political upheaval. Carlisle's mother dudes giving birth to him. Carlisle's father and other pastors led hunts for werewolves, witches, and vampires, claiming that they were attempting to rid the world of evil and sin. Many at a time, however these groups would end up killing innocent citizens. As Carlisle's father aged Carlisle took over the raids. He was less at ease about killing as his father was, but he was intelligent enough to find a real coven of vampires inhabiting the sewers of London. Carlisle led the hunt after them and in the chaos that ensued, he was attacked and left bleeding in the street by a vampire. Knowing what his father would do, Carlisle hid himself in a potato cellar for his very painful transformation, emerging three days later as a vampire. Carlisle was repelled and horrified by what he had become. He tried various ways of killing himself, including starvation, drowning and jumping off cliffs. Eventually he was so desperate for blood that while he was hiding in a cave in a forest he attacked and fed on a herd of passing deer. He found that he could survive off animal blood and he considered this much more humane than drinking the blood of a human thereby killing them. Carlisle found new life in this fact and over the course of about two centuries was able to prefect his ability to resist the bloodlust caused by the scent of human blood. During these two centuries, Carlisle studied at night, becoming a "nighttime patron of the arts." As a result of his meticulous studying Carlisle was able to become a brilliant doctor. One of the first vampires he met after his transformation was Alistair, who completely shunned company but because Carlisle had been lonely for centuries, he'd managed to make Alistair respond a little bit before they parted ways on odd terms. Carlisle was studying in Italy when he stumbled across the Volturi, the dominant vampire coven that was led by three vampires named Aro, Marcus, and Caius. They were much more educated and refined than those living in the sewers of London but still lived on human blood. While they attempted to convert Carlisle to his natural food source, their attempts were unsuccessful. After living with the Volturi for two decades, Carlisle moved in to the new world, where he became a doctor and used his skills to help people. I'm 1911, Carlisle worked as a doctor in Columbus. Because the local doctor was away, he was assigned to treat Esme Anne Platt a young teenager at the time after she broke her leg falling out of a tree. They felt a strong mutual attraction even though their encounter was brief. Though he had found ways to use his skills for good, he did not find what he was searching for, a companion who shared his philosophy and value for human life. His loneliness increased over the years, and eventually he begun considering creating a companion of his own however the idea of cursing someone else with the same life as he repulsed him. I'm 1918 Carlisle worked night shifts in Chicago hospital during the Spanish influenza epidemic. During this epidemic, Carlisle encountered a dying woman name Elizabeth Masen, her son Edward was dying of influenza as well. Elizabeth masen begged Carlisle to do anything within his power to save her son as soon as she lay dying. Out of the loneliness and armed with the knowledge that Edward was alone in the world he changed him making him his companion. The two started traveling the world together using a cover story. That Edward was the younger brother of Carlisle's late wife. Not long after in 1921 Carlisle was called to the bedside of a dying woman. He was surprised when he found out the woman was Esme, who suffered injuries from failed suicide attempt spurred by the loss of her child. Remembering her a the ever so happy young girl he meet before. Unable to believe that someone as vivacious and beautiful as she would meet such cruel fate. He changed her into a vampire to save her life. He then explained to Esme about what he had done to save her. To his surprise she was not upset by his decision she too remembered their first meeting and had always considered Carlisle her ideal of a gentleman. They soon fell in love and got married.

Born: 1640 in London England
Changed: 1663
Age when changed: 23
Created by: An ancient vampire living in the sewers of London
Height: 5'10 1/4
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: blue (human) gold (vampire) black (when thirst)
Nicknames: Dr.Cullen
Abilities: Basic vampire abilities, Exceptional self control

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