Chapter: thirteen Alice Cullen

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Alice was born into a middle~class house hold in Bilox, Mississippi in 1901. Her father a jewel and pearl trader. Alice's mother tended to their house because her father traveled often. Alice was prone to having premonitions of the future since she was a child. They weren't always correct. She never spoke of her power. People in town talked a lot during her adolescence years. I'm two occasions she tried to warn a friend and a cousin with her unfortunate predictions. They refused to listen and when her predictions came true she was blamed for cursing them earning her the label of "witch" and "changeling" from the townsfolk. Alice had a horrific vision of her mother being murdered by a complete stranger, she tried to warn her mother. Her mom believed her, her father however did not. After months of precautions with nothing serious, her mother put her guard down but was eventually killed. When Alice saw it happen she tried to explain that it was a murder but declared her death was accidental. Now her father had full power and silenced her. Within six months her father remarried a blonde yankee from Illinois, whose father was a very promising customer. As for the new stepmother she treated Alice coldly and a pet of her sister. Alice suspected the marriage and the murder of her mother were planned and carried out by her stepmother. Her father raged at her for suggesting ill of his new wife. Then, Alice had a vision of her father and her mother's killer planning to kill her, revealing the true face of her father. She tried to hide in her closest relatives' house, but they drove her away as they still blamed her for the death of their son. Alice then rushed to the town's marshal, but her father was already one step ahead of her. He told the townsfolk that his daughter had gone mad, and had her trapped in a mental asylum two counties away. While in the asylum, her head was shaved during the threat of typhoid outbreak. She also endured electroshock therapy which rendered her with total amnesia, but it also restored her naturally cheerful and humorous self. A vampire who worked at the asylum befriended Alice and treated her like a daughter. He also frequently visited her with objects hidden in his hands to test her powers, and shielded her from other horrifying treatments as best as he was able. One day, Alice had a vision of a powerful tracker named James coming after her, which occurred the moment he caught her faint scent. She informed the vampire of this, and he planned to escape with her, but Alice still saw James catching up to her, and every option he offered her ended the same way. When he decided to change her, Alice saw that this would be very close, and they might not have enough time. The vampire immediately bit her, took her away and went to distract James, sacrificing himself in the process. When James finally found her, her blood was already fully turned and he decided to let her live a savaged existence to see how she might turn out in the future. When she woke up, the pain of the venom erased all of her memories, just like the shocking treatments did. But her premonitions were also intensified and her first vision was of Jasper Whitlock becoming her mate and of a happy future with the Cullen family. She and Bella Swan are the only two people to ever escape James. Unlike most of her adoptive family members, she developed a conscience on her own, which kept her from feeding on humans, though her success was sporadic. Knowing that she and Jasper would join the Cullen family in the future, she started practicing a "vegetarian" lifestyle while waiting for Jasper to show up. In 1948, she waited for him to arrive at an empty diner in Philadelphia; by now her self-control was comparable to the Cullens. She was very excited when he finally arrived, and Jasper reciprocated her feelings very quickly. In 1950, they joined the Cullens' coven and got married a short time after. Alice started using the surname 'Cullen', while Jasper adapted to the surname 'Hale' to ease some of the confusion and gossip they cause to the humans around them. Alice had come to love everyone in her adopted family, but grew increasingly fond of Edward, who understood the burden of her supernatural talent. Sometime after joining the family, she attended several high schools and colleges and earned degrees in fashion design and international business.

Born: 1901 Biloxi, Mississippi
Changed: 1920
Age when changed: 19
Created by: unnamed staff member from the asylum
Height: 5'5
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: dark brown (human) gold (vampire) black (when thirsty)
Nicknames: shortie, little freak, frightening, little monster, physical
Abilities: Basic vampire abilities, enhanced agility, self control, subject precognition

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