Chapter: three The birth

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Rose said "we'll have to do it!" As quick as rose  grabbed the scalpel Edward was quick to stop her, "rose let the morphine spread!" "There's no time he's dying!" Rose said as Bella yelled "GET HIM OUT NOW!" Jacob says quickly "look at me Bella" as she starts screaming in pain. As rose starts to slowly cut her stomach to make a c section. Jacob has to look away as Bella continues to scream in pain, when rose is all done making the cut she stares at the scalpel that's covered in blood. Jacob hops over Bella and pins rose to the floor. Edward says in protection "Alice get her out of here!" Bella is currently struggling to keep herself and the baby alive says "Rosalie" in a painful tone. So that left Edward and Jacob in the room, as she continues to scream in agony and pain Jacob exclaims "save her you gotta change her!" With lots of feeling behind it, but Edward replies  with "I can't! Not while he's still in there I got to get him out first!" Jacob looks at Bella and says "stay focused keep your heart beating." Bella exclaims "HES SUFFOCATING!" Edward goes in with his teeth to rip away all the tissue so "he" would not die. He knew how much the baby meant to Bella but didn't know how much it would mean to him. As he continuously rips away at her tissue he gets closer and closer to the baby. Finally after a lot of blood loss and pain with only one arm at first Edward smiles, laughs then with both arms picks up what is their child. Edward passes Renesmee off to Bella putting her right on her chest. Jacob sees Bella smile then a smile appeared on his face, he was happy for her. That's when things started to go down hill for starters Renesmee out of nowhere bites bella and immediately starts crying. Edward takes Renesmee from Bella to try and calm her, Renesmee with eyes wide open looks at Bella as if to say she's was sorry. Bella stops breathing, Rose comes back in and takes a cloth and Renesmee to another room. Jacob starts doing CPR on Bella as Edward was busy trading the baby off.

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