𝟎 「𝐓 𝐡 𝐞 - 𝐂 𝐨 𝐦 𝐩 𝐞 𝐥 𝐥 𝐞 𝐝 - 𝐇 𝐮 𝐦 𝐚 𝐧 」 𝟔

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𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅, Lucy looked on as Katherine continued flat ironing her usually curly hair.

"What's with the hair?" Lucy asked as she took off her coat getting ready to change clothing, deciding what to wear.

"I'm impersonating my dull-ass doppelganger, Elena," Katherine said rolling her eyes as she continued to straighten her hair. "She has the absolute worst taste."

"Except in men." Valencia said with a smirk from the bathroom, the eldritch fixing her hair in the other mirror since Katherine took up the one in the bedroom.

"Isn't it a risk pretending to be her in front of the entire town?" Lucy asked holding up one of the dresses to her body trying to see how it looked on her.

"I've gotten quite good at it actually and everyone's gonna be in masks," Katherine said looking back at Lucy, before shaking her head at the blue dress Lucy had held up against her body. "it's for some feed this something charity, it's for a good cause Lucy."

"Hmm, okay well have you actually seen the moonstone before," Lucy asked holding up a golden dress to her body, she liked it a bit. "I always thought it was some made-up legend."

"Oh trust me it's real, Kathrine's seem it," Valencia said as she walked out of the bathroom in only her bra and panties, heading straight for her dress. "but we need your help getting it back."

"Oh yeah, what are you two gonna do with it?" Lucy asked nonchalantly as she smoothed out the dress, not knowing her innocent question had roused Katherine's suspicion, but Valencia noticed.

"You ask way too many questions Lucy." Val said as she sat her dress on the bed, moving behind  Lucy, swiping her hair over her shoulder allowing her to see her neck.

Lucy immediately tensed up as she felt the woman's breath on her neck, she knew if Valencia wanted to she could kill her before she could even mutter a spell.

"You want me to break the curse." Lucy stated lowly jumping to conclusions, causing both Katherine and Valencia to smirk at each other for a second.

"Let's just get it first," Katherine said not confirming the girl's beliefs or denying them, as she started helping her with her dress. "all I need from you is back up, I can't imagine that Damon and Stefan are just gonna hand it over without putting up a fight."


"You ready for this Kitty?" Valencia asked with a smirk as the three of them stood outside the Lockwood Mansion, they had just arrived at the Masquerade Ball.

"Absolutely." Katherine answered a smirk growing on her face before the three of them walked into the Mansion, the two immediately splitting up from Lucy who left to cast the spell.

As soon as the women enter, they are greeted by a waitress holding a tray of strawberries one of which Katherine quickly picked up, and took a small bite of before feeding the rest to a happy Valencia.

"Elena?" Matt asked as he walked over to them, not noticing Valencia who quickly moved to stand back-to-back with Katherine not wanting to interrupt them.

"Matt, you look dashing." Katherine said flirtatiously as she looked him up and down, her words causing him to blush a little bit and look away for a second.

"I thought you said you weren't coming." Matt said slightly confused after a small bead of silence, his blush slowly leaving his face.

"I couldn't miss it, you are really hot in a suit, I would love to just," Katherine said fawning over the handsome teen boy, who only looked on confused before she started compelling him. "okay here's the deal, do you know what you have to do?"

"I'm gonna get Tyler Lockwood really drunk, I'm going to start a fight with him, and I'm gonna beat him until he snaps." Matt answered repeating the command she had given him earlier, in a monotoned voice.

"And then?" Katherine urged him to finish telling her what he was to do, even raising her eyes brow at him.

"I won't stop until he kills me." Matt answered finishing up the command she had given him, as Valencia moved back from behind Katherine seeing as they were done.

"Gods, you are hot." Valencia said biting her lip as she looked at him up and down, there was no question that Matt was a fairly attractive guy.

Hearing her speak to him, he turned his head towards her the compulsion not quite finished as he began to talk to her in the same monotone voice.

"Thank you." He said simply looking her in the eye, seeing him like this Val quickly took a step closer examining the teen.

"Can I have some fun with this one?" Val asked as she turned back to Katherine, wrapping her arms around the boy's right arm and pushing herself up against him.

"Go ahead, he'll be dead soon anyway." She said shrugging and lightly rolling her eyes at her friend's need for sex at all times.

"Follow me." Valencia said with a smirk as she grabbed a hold of the boy's tie, pulling him away towards one of the many bathrooms in the Mansion.


"Thank you, Matthew." Valencia said breathlessly as she sat on top of the bathroom sink, her back pressed lightly up against the large mirror.

At her words, Matt pulled himself from under her dress, before standing up off of his knees, a smile on his face as he stood in front of her.

"I do wish we could do more right now," Val said with a pout as she pulled him closer to her by his tie, her eyes moving between his eyes and his lips. "but Kathrine, would be so angry if I messed up her evil plot."

"It won't take long." He said as he lowered his head to her neck, leaving a few open-mouth kisses up and down her neck and shoulder.

His soft lips connected with her neck with such gentleness, that it made her eyes roll back in her head slightly, a small gasp leaving her lips as she felt him grinding himself into her clothed cunt.

She couldn't help herself as her hands quickly moved to his hips, gripping them tightly as she ground herself onto him as well; it had been a few weeks since she had a sexual partner -a human one at least- that made her feel so good.

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