" Wed her to me. "
" What? "
" When I offered up my crown, you said I could have anything. I want Daenera. I want to love her the way she loves me - the way we've alw...
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"SER RYAM WAS A STRONG LORD COMMANDER of the Kingsguard. But he was ill for some time. He passed in peace, I hope." King Viserys speaks, as the quiet men of the small conical awaited with their cups for a filling of wine. Daenera sped around the large table, pouring hastily as she was in no mood to aid the Lord's.
It had been well over a half a year since her crowning of heir, and nothing had changed, which was expected. The mourning of Aemma's passing had washed over. Times had moved on. No commonfolk would whisper about the Queen and her family, who were without a mother, or speak on how a woman was the heir to the throne. As grateful as Daenera was to not have to endure in hearing the habits of a conversation including her mother, she was irked on how easily everyone had passed on from such a drastic change.
"Yes, your grace. He was found to have passed gently in his sleep. His remains are being prepared by the Silent Sisters. The succeeding Lord Commander, Ser Harrold, would like to make haste in finding Ser Ryam's replacement on the Kingsguard, as well as find a new recruit to join the total of six." Maester Mellos responded.
Taking a chaste step forward, Ser Harrold was eased to into speaking up at the mention of his name. "Your Grace. My lords. The Kingsguard must soon be restored to its full complement of eight. With the help of the Hand. I've invited a number of fine candidates to court. All have passed fair trials." The Knight told, before the doors of the meeting room swung open — revealing an angered Lord Corlys, strutting in with such haste.
"Four ships have now been lost. The last one was flying my banner. The Stepstones have now grown into a conflagration, yet you sit here and dither about court business." Lord Coryls pointed a finger to the king, aroused with fury from the information he had just heard about his own fleet.
"If you've something to discuss, Lord Corlys-"
"I want to know what is to be done about my ships and my men."
"The crown will compensate for your ship and crew and make an offering to the men's families." Otto tried to rationalize, failing at doing so — as Lord Corlys wasted no time in shouting back. "I don't want compensation." He seethed. "I want to seize the Stepstones by force and burn out this Crabfeeder."
The Crabfeeder was a mystery to many — as well as Daenera, who's brows furrowed at the mention of such a man she had yet to know much about. "I am not prepared to start a war with the Free Cities." Her father told the Lord.
"These pirates are not the Free Cities. "
"Who do you think provides them with their ships and tender?"
"In all of its history, my lord, the Seven Kingdoms have never entered open war with the Free Cities." Grand Maester Mellos intervened, giving a pointing look to Lord Corlys. "Were that to happen the losses would be incalculable."