" Wed her to me. "
" What? "
" When I offered up my crown, you said I could have anything. I want Daenera. I want to love her the way she loves me - the way we've alw...
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Death was a sudden, crude thing that none were prepared for. The death of such a high-powered man came as a striking thunderbolt to the many that had already heard, even with Queen Alicent demanding to keep such a devastation silent. The death of her king-husband shook a chill to her spinal cord, in the moment, his lose was not reality to her. Her worries were high strung. She was no longer a true Queen — now that Daenera was the technical Queen by law due to her father's death. But with Daenera unknown of such a tragedy, Alicent was demanded to say nothing by her father.
Alicent's mind was frazzled. She had seen her husband last night — after the leaving of Rhaenyra, Daenera and Daemon took place, their children traveling alongside them. He had seemed tired — but in the norm for his state. Alicent did not expect it. Though, perhaps she should have. The truth behind him wanting to name Aegon heir was clear now — Viserys knew he was inhaling his last breaths, Alicent did not.
She couldn't contain the irking feeling she felt pulsing through her veins, punching atop her stomach alike a fist hitting her. Daenera and Rhaenyra became her largest worries. What were they to think of such a travesty? She was unsure. However, she was aware they'd not take the announcement lightly of Aegon's crowning as King. Alicent had always been one to truly believe Daenera owned the crown for her own, especially after their last few days of rekindling their friendship. With the installing of Aegon, chaos would erupt. Daenera's short temper would not let such a thing pass, causing the gruesome feeling Alicent felt to engorge itself.
A small council meeting had been arranged by Otto. The many Lords of the lands had arrived in haste. "What is it that could not have waited an hour?" Lord Jason had seated himself into his chair, tired as they were all. "Was Dorne invaded?" The man had joked.
Silence was what the Lord earned — worry falling onto faces as they took a turn to Queen Alicent, her interlocked hands sitting on the clear table with a deepening frown worrying them. "The King is dead." Otto bluntly announced, standing tally beside his grieving daughter. "We grieve for Viserys the Peaceful, our sovereign, our friend. But he has left us a gift. With his last breath, he impressed upon the Queen his final wish: that his son, Aegon should succeed him as Lord of the Seven Kingdoms." Explained Otto, the news rattling the quiet Lord's.
"Then we may proceed now with the full assurance of his blessing on our long-laid plans." Lord Jason breathily spoke, seemingly relieved. His words had quirked Alicent's interests, peering her head tirelessly up to stare across the table at the Lord.
"Yes, there is much to be done as we've previously discussed. Now, there are two among the captains of the City Watch that remain loyal to Daemon. Let us replace them. Lord Lannister." Otto sat himself beside Alicent, as confusion on the subject expressed itself onto her facial features.