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CHAPTER ELEVEN. The Blood Of An Innocent.

    DAENERA STOOD ON THE DECK OF THE FLEET, staring out into the open water of the sea

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    DAENERA STOOD ON THE DECK OF THE FLEET, staring out into the open water of the sea. Her hands clasped together, in the moment of thought. As the storm brewed stronger, she wondered helplessly if Daemon was safe. She had not seen him in two days time, after the announcing of their betrothal. He had spoken few words to her, giving her doubt in not only herself, but the wedding to be held between them. It was coming to a close, the wedding. She was scarce of what was to come.

"Nervous?" Benton stepped beside her, as Daenera glanced his way. "Of?" She questioned.

"The wedding, Princess." Benton raised a brow, shifting his weight against the rocking boat.

"Quite." She admitted, her clasped hands falling. "I had never imagined myself marrying — nonetheless, Daemon." Daenera stifled a chuckle. Benton sent her a comforted smile, turning her way. "You'll make a fine wife, Princess. And an even finer Queen."

"Don't trust your words so quick, Ser Benton." Daenera smirked. "I still have many years before I am crowned, thankfully."

"Well, when the day is to come — I will stand by your side through it all."

"I thank you for that, Benton."

"Of course, Princess." Benton grinned, gently tightening the grip he had on his helmet, as Rhaenyra stepped over. "Ser Benton, sister."
Rhaenyra nodded her head in acknowledgement, as Benton bowed. "We are soon to be wedded women, sister." Rhaenyra snagged her arm around Daenera's, as the eldest sister hummed. "Sadly."

Rhaenyra let out a laugh, resting her cheek against Daenera's shoulder. "Daemon is not all too bad, Dany."

"No, he is not." Daenera faintly smiled at the mention of the man, looking towards the shore of the High Tide. "Laenor is quite a handsome young man, Rhaenyra." Daenera's eyes fall to her sister, who frowned. "You'll be a wonderful wife, my dear." Daenera pressed a chaste kiss to her sister's forehead.

"I will have to become a mother." Rhaenyra whispered, fiddling with the gems of her necklace. "I am scared."

"Of what?"

"That I will end up like mother."

Daenera sucked in a huff, disconnecting from her sister to turn her way. "Rhae, what happened to mother was unfortunate. But I can promise you, as long as you are with me, I will never let such a thing happen to you. Laenor and I have always been a close pair. I can confidently say that he is aware of the rights and wrongs — especially when it'll come to his wife. With Laenor as your husband, he will protect you as you should be. You have nothing to worry about." Daenera soothed Rhaenyra's skin, as a gentle smile formed onto Rhaenyra's lips, Daenera mocking her.

"Thank you, sister."

A clear of the throat was heard from Benton, turning the two girl's his way. "I- uh, will see you two on shore." Benton nodded his head to the women, carefully eyeing Rhaenyra — as she did the same. He excused himself, as Daenera shared a glance between the two.

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