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CHAPTER ONE. The Targaryen's Dragon.


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     HOUSE TARGARYEN WERE THE STRONGEST HOUSE IN WESTEROS. But with what comes with strength, comes along with weakness. The Iron Throne's inheritance belonged to them, and them only. Or — so it was to believe. In the year 97 AC the first daughters of Viserys Targaryen the I were born. Daenera and Rhaenyra were the names of the Targaryen girl's — first of their appellations. Unlike her sister, Rhaenyra was graced with politeness the kingdom of King's Landing was looking for. But her sister — was anything but.

Daenera Targaryen was a spit fire, some would say. Nothing but snark came from the girl — even when her intentions were anything but. Daenera wasn't one to enjoy much politics as she didn't understand it all. Even after her Septa had forced many hours of political studying — Daenera couldn't possibly remember any of it. Daenera was a force to be reckoned with. A tough girl, her father would call her. As well as calling her many other names — that came along with their weekly shout off.

Viserys and Daenera had an iffy relationship. He believed she was too much like his young adult brother, Daemon, for him to handle. Daenera always had something to say, and that was an issue for the Targaryen King. Viserys loved his daughter — dearly. But he loved Rhaenyra more. Daenera was too hard to oversee. In his eyes, she was a dragon with strength and fire — something you should not dare mess with, especially in combat.

It was known that Daenera kept herself concealed. Throughout the Red Keep, she had found hidden passageways over her years of growing up. She had shown these exact spots to Rhaenyra as well, and to say the youngest Targaryen was shocked to not find her older sibling in the out of sight corridors — would be an understatement.

Rhaenyra's low-heeled shoes clanked loudly against the stone of the Red Keep's floors, entering the meeting room of where the Small Council held themselves up. The Lords of the seven kingdoms were stunned to see the younger princess — as they expected Daenera. "Father," Rhaenyra's voice lowered, cowering towards her father. "Daenera is nowhere to be seen." Rhaenyra watched as her father grumbled unpleasantly — irked by this news. It was a usual thing for Rhaenyra and Daenera to trade off on the task of cupbearer for the Lord's and King. As it was Daenera's day, the men were in confusion of why she had yet to make an appearance.

"Just--" The man huffed, flicking his wrist. "Take over, for now." He commanded. Rhaenyra was quick in response — doing as her father told. The men huddled in the room brushed off the missing princess, as this was a usual antic of hers.

The wings of Wyvern flapped against the wind, his loud roar erupting throughout the land of King's Landing as the Targaryen princess rode on the large Dragon's back. Her eyes wandered across the Red Keep as Wyvern maneuvered around the tall structures that stood tally on top of the castle, a fun game the two played often. Wyvern was always one for adventure — even for being a skittish dragon. For such a strong reptile, it shocked Daenera that he could be, so nerve racked.

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