" Wed her to me. "
" What? "
" When I offered up my crown, you said I could have anything. I want Daenera. I want to love her the way she loves me - the way we've alw...
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VISERYS TARGARYEN laid helplessly on his cotton tucked bed, the roaming alluring smoke travelling heavily around the dimly lit room when Daenera, Rhaenyra, Benton and Daemon entered — the quiet maids following in pursuit behind with Rhaenyra and Benton's babes in hand.
Cobwebs surrounded the map settled on the table, catching Daenera's eye. Her finger pressed against the clay mold, swiping the dust. Daenera and Rhaenyra shared worried glances, slowly cowering towards where their father laid. "Father?" Rhaenyra gently pushed away the lace curtains, touching the stone of the floor with ease. Daenera studied Rhaenyra's movements as she rushed towards their father, bending to the knee to him. Daenera lips created a frown at the sight of her father's laying body.
"Who goes there?" Viserys barely speaks, his eyes shut — keeping him from seeing ahead.
"Father, it's us, my king. Rhaenyra and Daenera." Rhaenyra lightly took ahold of his hand, showing him they were close. "We have brought Daemon and Benton with us."
The man exhaled their names repeatedly, out of breath. "Help me up." He instructed to his daughters, who shared wary looks. Smoothly, Daenera propped himself up, with the aid of Rhaenyra. "It's been so long." Viserys whimpered in discomfort.
"Uh-" Benton lowly cleared his throat, looking towards his king. "The Sea Snack has taken a grave wound in the Stepstones, my king."
"When? We won that war years ago."
"No. The Triarchy is resurgent. The fighting is new. And there is a p- There is a petition to decide upon the succession of Driftmark and the heir to the Driftwood Throne."
Viserys huffed a sigh. "Petitions? Alicent and Otto... they see to all that business now."
"No, brother, listen to me. You are affirm to your position to Lucerys to be Corlys Velayron's successor." Daemon interjected, catching the two princesses off. Daenera pressed her palm against the beating heart of Daemon, pulling him away from her lying father. She gave her husband a look, mildly shaking her head in disapproval. Daemon frowned at his wife, in the understanding of what she was silently opposing.
"Father," Rhaenyra bent down to the slouched man. "There is someone we wish to introduce you to." Rhaenyra and Daenera walked towards where the maid's held the babe's, easily handing them off to the two sisters. Daenera gently bounced around Aegon in her arms, letting him play with the skin of her fingers that were covered in jewels. "Father, this is Aegon." Daenera let the small babe slowly lean towards Viserys.
"And this is Viserys." Rhaenyra stringed together a faint smile, as Benton caressed the back of his son's head. Daenera and Daemon shared looks — their usual stoic faces now flushed with some joy.
"Now that is a name fit for a King." Viserys wheezed a laughter, soothing the skin of the babe, who babbled meaninglessly. Chuckles fell from Daenera and Rhaenyra's mouths, as their father let out groans of pain all sudden. Hastily, Daenera jumped from the side of the bed, as the babe's began to cry. "I- I'm sorry." Their father apologized repeatedly.