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CHAPTER NINETEEN. Queen Daenera Targaryen.

    THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF RHAENYS'S ARRIVAL beckoned Daenera out of her chambers, onto her sore balled feet

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THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF RHAENYS'S ARRIVAL beckoned Daenera out of her chambers, onto her sore balled feet. She had become tiresome due to the pregnancy, beginning to loathe even fluttering her eyes awake in the morning. But with the presence of Rhaenys, Daenera knew she was due to make an appearance in respect for the Princess.

Daenera had lastly shown to the small meeting being held in the large chamber map room of Dragonstone, her patted shoes clapping against the stairs each gentle step she overtook. Her hand rested lightly atop her large belly, grunting every once and a while from an uncomfortable position she put herself into. "I apologize for my lateness, Princess. As you can see, I struggle more each day with this belly." She faintly joked. Rhaenys had simply waved her off, ignoring the fact she was not on time. By Rhaenys's unpleasant expression, Daenera had felt something was off — irking her in an unreadable way.

"Sister," Rhaenyra gently whispered, grasping onto Daenera's hand in the hopes to steady her wobbly footing. Daenera was grateful, beckoning a nod. "Princess Rhaenys, might we hope for news of Lord Corlys's recovery?"

"Viserys is dead." Rhaenys abruptly announced, stunning the two sisters. Daenera's eyes unknowingly widened in surprise, holding a heavy stare on Rhaenys, almost as if she was unsure if this was true or not. Daenera had realized there was no lie being spoken — frightening her pumping heart more. The loss of a parent was something Daenera hadn't experienced in many years — the saddening realization she had lost both of her parents fluttering in hastily. "I grieve this loss with you, Princesses. My cousin, your father possessed a kind heart."

Rhaenyra's smooth silked hand fell onto Daenera's, clutching it tightly for comfort. "There is more." Rhaenys stepped closer to the two shocked sisters. "Aegon has been crowned as his successor." Daenera's head wistfully jolted to Rhaenys; the look of betrayal developing onto Daenera's frowned tipped face.

"They crowned him?" Rhaenyra spoke; appalled for what Alicent had done.

"How did Viserys die?" Daemon had joined his wife's whimpering side, clutching her waist to keep her stance steady. "I could not say." Rhaenys admitted.

"H- how long ago?" Daenera suddenly raised her voice, unknowingly.

"A day past, perhaps two. I was made prisoner in my quarters while the Queen made her preparations."

"Viserys has been slain." Daemon peered to his wife, whispering into her hidden ear.

"Alicent demanded you declare for Aegon?" Rhaenyra's words slipped from her lips frightfully, unsure if she truthfully wanted to her Rhaenys speak the words she needed to hear. "She did. I refused her." Rhaenys explained.

"And yet you are alive." Daemon raised a brow.

"The High Septon crowned Aegon in the Dragonpit. I witnessed it myself just before I fled on Meleys."

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