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CHAPTER THREE. The Heir To The Throne.

    AS THE WIND'S BLEW THE THRASHING OCEAN OF THE NARROW SEA against the ridged rock's that settled upon the shore, Daenera stood quietly amongst the guard's men and her clan

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AS THE WIND'S BLEW THE THRASHING OCEAN OF THE NARROW SEA against the ridged rock's that settled upon the shore, Daenera stood quietly amongst the guard's men and her clan. A word had not left Daenera's mouth since her mother's passing, that was only less than a day ago. Her lips were chapped from the breeze flowing into her face — the tears that had hiddenly fallen from her eyes damped her cheeks.

Her eyes rested upon her mother's covered body, along with her late brother, who hadn't made it due to unknown circumstances. Daenera didn't care about the babe she never met, only for her mother, who'd never be able to see Daenera or Rhaenyra grow into the fine princesses she wanted them to be. Their father had stolen away their mother for a child who'd be nothing but a pawn in his game of thrones. With that, the eldest Targaryen princess promised to never forgive him for such a doing.

"They're waiting for you." Daemon nestled behind his niece, glancing around.

Sucking in a harshly felt breath, Daenera frowned. "Is my father finally happy?" Daenera questions, her word's shallow. "He had finally gotten what he has always wanted; an heir."

"Your father needs you, more than he ever has."

"My mother needed him." Daenera snapped. "His greed, and selfishness got the best of him. We could have been sat together — happy. But by the cause of him," Daenera's eyes found her father's slouched body, fury laced through her spewing words. "He has not only lost a wife and a son, but a daughter as well." Daenera's words turn into whispers. "I will not affiliate myself with a man who can murder his own wife with such ease."


"I will never be a son." Daenera shakes her head, quickly wiping the tears that had cascaded down her flushed cheeks. Collecting herself, Daenera peered her eyes up to Wyvern. She tilted her chin highly up, not showing the pain that she had felt. Taking small steps forward, her hands fell behind her back, holding herself together. "Dracarys." She stuttered, shutting her eyes gently. The heat of Wyvern's flamed fire hit the cold bodies of Daenera's mother and sibling, swallowing them whole.

. . .

"BEFORE WE BEGIN, your grace. I have a report I feel compelled to share." Otto spoke amongst the men, as Daenera silently poured the red liquid into their golden cup's. Days had passed since the funeral of the Queen and heir. Daenera had grown to realization she'd need to leave her chambers at a point, as to why she was now present in the small council meeting. Daenera's plan to leave was now on hold but not forgotten. With herself and family in mourn, she knew very well to not leave Rhaenyra behind in such gruesome times.

"Last night..." Otto mindfully explained. "Prince Daemon bought out one of the pleasure houses on the Street of Silk to entertain officers of the City Watch and other friends of his. He toasted Prince Baelon styling him..." Otto glanced to Daenera, who stood self-contained in the corner. ""The Heir for a Day."" The man let out, faltering Daenera's face. She glanced around the room in betrayal, her hand slowly traveling to the necklace of hers that Daemon had gifted. "I corroborated this report with three separate witnesses. The evening was, by all accounts a celebration."

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