cincuenta y dos

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namjoon stepped into the house, he stayed as quiet as possible making sure he didn't wake his boyfriend. but seokjin was already up having not been able to do anything after the call yoongi gave him. he heard the gunshots and screams of bloody murder of people who lost their lives that very night. he was so worried that something had happened to namjoon.

when he heard the door open and close from his spot on the living room couch he immediately jumped up and ran towards the door. there stood namjoon, dried blood still resting on different parts of his body, jacket torn from where the bullet grazed his arm, and his cheek still freshly cut open. seokjin gasped at the sight, he hadn't expected to see namjoon this torn up. he rushed over to namjoon's side and immediately started examining his wounds.

"it looks worse than what it is baby." namjoon said softly while watching seokjin worriedly graze his fingers over the wounds. seokjin shook his head before practically dragging namjoon towards the bathroom.

they sat in silence as seokjin washed up the dried blood from his skin. he was gentle and delicate, sure not to press hard on any of the open wounds as he cleaned them. namjoon stared at seokjin, ignoring the stinging pain from the alcohol. he admired every little blemish and perfect imperfection on seokjin's soft pale skin. seokjin noticed it but chose to ignore it for the sake of his own sanity. he had a love-hate relationship with the way namjoon looked at him. he loved it because it made him feel pretty, he hated it because it always made him flustered.

"i'm not hurting you am i joonie?" seokjin asked softly, eyes flickering from the open wound to namjoon's dragon like eyes. namjoon mumbled a soft no, eyes never leaving seokjin's. he knew how much he loved seokjin but since he was interrupted when he was getting ready to declare his love and finally confess he felt that maybe, just maybe it was too early still, despite them being together for a little over 4 months now.

the whole situation made him become nervous and clammy about telling seokjin that he loved him. he had to work himself up to tell him that second time just for it to get fucked up. maybe it had to wait, sadly it had to wait.


jungkook laid on the small couch holding taehyung in his lap while watching a random movie. taehyung felt nervous, he knew jungkook knew about his want for kids but still wasn't sure how to tell him. but he knew he wanted to tell him today. at least bring it up to him so he can consider it.

hands shaking ever so slightly, he placed it on jungkooks bare chest, earning the younger boy's attention. jungkook tore his eyes from the television and looked at his boyfriend.

"wassup, why are you shaking?" jungkook said with a small chuckle accompanying his question. taehyung smiled softly before taking a deep breath and speaking up.

"so you know how one person loves another and how at one point in the relationship, their love becomes to great for them to just share with the two of them." jungkook nodded along softly, having the slightest clue about where this was going.

"i think we've reached that point. can we adopt?" taehyung asked quietly, jungkook sighed softly and taehyung felt his heart break just a little.

"taehyung." jungkook said while leaning his head back onto the couch. taehyung frowned before removing himself from jungkook's lap.

"why not jungkook?"

"because, we're not ready. how can you not see that we're not ready, i'm not ready." jungkook stated sternly standing up from his seat and reaching for the remote to cut the tv off.

"what makes you think you're not ready, how are you not ready, you're not giving me any reasons on why you're not ready."

"i'm just not okay. can you please drop this." jungkook said, while walking towards the kitchen. taehyung followed him towards the kitchen, feeling anger rise up inside of him.

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