[Chapter☆Three] The Shipping

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Berri-sama: Hi there! ♪( '▽`) For whatever reason, AI-sama felt the need to leave a little warning here...idk man but I want some of whatever AI-sama taking (*゚▽゚*) 

Aidungeon: The author would like you to know that this story is entirely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

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"So...a-about painting the box- uh, I mean your office...where would we get the paint from?" You ask, as Len leads you through the various rooms and hallways of the estate.

"Why do you ask?" he replies.

"Just wondering...."

For a little while you continue following Len through the house, but suddenly, he stops in his tracks.

"I have a secret..." he says.

"W-What is it?" you ask.

Len seems to have multiple secrets, a few of which you already know about. But then again, Rin and Len both seem to have many odd hobbies and mysteries surrounding them, so it could be anything.

"I-I...." he says, before taking a deep breath.

 "I'm a werewolf!" he says.

You stare at Len, trying to process his last statement. Werewolves are a myth, a legend, a folktale, as far as you know.

First Rin's a furry, now this?

....Perhaps your assumption of Rin being a furry was false, and she was just a werewolf all along.....That would mean that when she said she was hanging out with her fellow pack, she meant that literally....

..or maybe it's just Len, and Rin was really a furry.......

"P-please don't be afraid of me..." Len says, "..I just really like painting...."

"W-werewolves? W-Wow, I didn't even know werewolves were real..." you say.

"I know, I just wanted to surprise you with how cool I am..." He replies, before striking an awkward pose.

"W-Well, you certainly s-surprised me..." you say.

Len chuckles, before looking around, as if making sure no one's around.

"Okay, you can ask me now..." he says.

"A-Ask you....what exactly...?" you ask.

"Why I'm a werewolf."

"Oh yeah, uh...why are you a werewolf...? ....and how?" you ask.

Len simply smiles, before replying.

"Well, one day I was watching youtube, when a video about werewolves came up. It showed that they are normal wolves that have been naturally mutated to become werewolves. Then the next morning it was on the news that a boy in Florida had been found with his entire body transformed into that of a werewolf." He says, pausing for a moment.

"Now, Rin really likes three things: Wolves, oranges, and laughing- especially at me, so she shipped me to Florida to test if anyone could become a werewolf. Boy was I surprised when I got bitten by a wolf and transformed. I didn't get rabies or anything either, so that was a relief." he says.

Len pauses, as if expecting you to say something.

"A-And...you survived? A-Also, what do you mean she shipped you to Florida? L-Like, as in she put you in a box and posted you???" you say, concerned.

Len chuckles, before replying.

"Unfortunately, yes. The ride was very uncomfortable, but luckily I managed to survive without eating for the month."

You stare at him in shock, speechless.

"Len..." you start.

"...Yes? Is something wrong, newbie?" He asks, as he takes a step closer to you and carefully examines your expression.

You pause, having trouble finding the right words.

"Are you ok?"


"First, you get shipped in a box to test if humans can become werewolves, and then you work and sleep in a box, it seems like you get mistreated a lot....is everything alright..?" you ask.

Len's ears perk up at your concern, but he quickly shakes his head.

"No, of course not, but it's okay." He reassures you.

He tries to give you a confident smile, but you can see tears start to slowly welling up in his eyes.  In a matter of seconds, Len is crying his eyes out as he starts muttering indecipherable words.

He runs up to you and gives you a hug as he cries into your (shirt/sweater/dress/jacket/whatever).

You hesitantly hug him back, as he sobs.

"T-They- *sniff* they turned me into a w-werewolf! A-And they put- *cough* me in a box...i'm cold...so cold...and- *sniff* I- I just can't - WAaaaaah!" His words are muffled, but he doesn't care. He has been crying for so long, that he couldn't even form a full sentence.

You hug him some more, before deciding what to do.

"Len, " you say carefully, "I'm going to help you, ok?"

Len nods, his face still buried in your chest.

"I'm going to try my best to take care of you, okay? I'm not going to treat you like you're worthless, I promise. I'm going to treat you like a person, okay?" you say, trying your best to sound caring and reassuring.

Len slowly starts to regain his composure, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

"Thank you..." he says. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"How did you know?" he asks.

"Know what?" you reply, confused.

"That I like paint."

"O-oh, I didn't..."

"Because you smell like house paint." he says, smiling.

"...I-I do..?"

"Yeah, it's cool!" he beams, still clutching your hand. "Now, let's go find paint! I know who to ask... she knows everything!" he says, and drags you through the house once more.


We interrupt your scheduled program to bring you the following message:

AiDungeon: Hey y'all! I know I've been a little quiet on the updates, but I've been working hard on the next chapter, and it's going to be a big one!

Berri-sama: W-what? I-I like to think I've been updating frequently...and I haven't started the chapter yet! (゚o゚;;

AiDungeon: It should be up by the end of this month.

Berri-sama: What? uh, yeah, I don't see why it wouldn't be...?

AiDungeon: I don't want to give too much away, but suffice to say it's a massive chapter in the story, and I got a lot of cool stuff to tell y'all. 

Berri-sama: Oh lord.... I can't wait (ʘ‿ʘ)

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