[Chapter☆Seven] The graveyard

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The walk back down the stairs was fine, but on the last step, you trip and fall forward.

"Are you ok? Hehe, it seems like every encounter we share starts with you falling on your face...let me help you up." Says a warm, familiar voice.

You look up, and see Len leaning against a stone column.

He helps you to your feet.

"Thanks..." you say gratefully.

"What are you doing all alone? I though Rin and Miku pretty much abducted you already..." Len asks.

"They started fighting about a panini or something for ages, so I kind of just walked off." You say.

"Yeah, they do that sometimes...wanna play Mario kart? Its practically a requirement for any vocaloid mansion Len x reader."


Len leads you to Rin's room, and sits down in front of her large tv. You sit next to him.

"I usually just steal her switch whenever she's not around." Len explains.

Len clicks the remote, and the large TV turns on. He starts up the switch, and opens Mario Kart.

The two of you play for about an hour or so, the obvious winner being Len.

The last race finishes, and Len wins once again. He smiles.

"I knew you'd be good at this game." He says.

"I'm not too bad, although I wouldn't say that I'm good, either. You're really skilled at it though." You say.


That seemed to make him happy, to an unusual amount.

He seems to notice your confusion, and chuckles. "Oh, that was the first time someone's complemented me in...3 years!"

You're a little taken aback by this. "O-oh, I'm so sorry about that...I'll make sure to compliment you a lot more often...!"

Len chuckles. "No, no, its fine, really...."

You're a little wary of how he's acting, and ask a question to break the awkward silence.

"What's your favourite song?" You ask him.

Len considers for a moment. "There's so many...let me think...." He ponders for a moment. "Oh, I like this one..."

He starts playing a song from Rin's laptop. It's Aishite Aishite Aishite by Kikuo.

"Oh, I really like Kikuo." you say.

"Yeah, I kind of like him myself. He's kind of a one-hit-wonder though."

"Eh? I wouldn't say that, Gomenne Gomenne, Aishite Aishite Aishite, Kimi wa dekinai ko and others all got quite popular."

"Well, I wouldn't say that he's popular, per se, but I like his music. It's a nice break from your...let's just say it's a bit different to some of the other stuff you hear on the radio."

"Yeah, I get that."

"What's your favourite song?" Len asks.

"Probably (Favourite song)." You reply.

Len smiles. "Yeah, I really like (Favourite song) too! I can see how it really suits you! ...Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the graveyard tonight...."

You're caught off guard a bit by this, but given that this is Len, you see no reason to doubt his sincerity.

"The graveyard?" You reply.

Len x Reader [AI☆DUNGEON]Where stories live. Discover now