[Chapter☆Five] Magical☆Miku!

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You nod. "Sounds fun."

The two lead you up the stairs, to a door which opens into the roof.

A brilliant blue sky is the only thing that greets your eyes, with the sun beaming down upon you. You feel as if you're standing on the edge of the world, with the endless ocean below you and the unknown void staring back at you.

In the distance, you see the outline of a statue....

A large head, with two pigtails, and a smaller body holding a negi.

With it's swirled cheeks, small hands, blank eyes.... It is undoubtedly Hachune Miku.

"Wow, that's a huge statue..." you say, gazing up at it while Rin and Miku hold your hands.

"Yes, please don't make any sudden movements." says Miku, pulling you back.

As you stand in front of the statue, your ears perk up.

"W-what do you mean...?" you say, before the statue starts to move.

It's head turns slowly, as if it's looking at you.

"W h a t   d o  I   d o . . . ?" you whisper.

"S h e ' s   l i k e     a   d i n o s a u r ,    s h e   c a n ' t   s e e   y o u   i f   y o u     s t a y   p u t ." Rin replies.

The head continues to turn, looking at you with unknown intent.

You stare back at the statue, trying to read it's expression.

You take a few steps back, trying to head towards the exit, when suddenly the statue's eyebrows angle downward in anger.

You look at your feet, terrified.

The statue's body begins to move, as if it's going to charge at you.

You start to move backwards, and run into the hallway.

"Oh god, it's happening!" Rin panics. She turns to Miku, who nods.

"Stay back!" Miku yells, before getting out a negi from her pocket.

"Negi prism power, make up!" Miku yells, before a blinding light flashes. It's enough to make you close your eyes against the glare.

When you open your eyes, you see a Magical girl with a giant negi sword standing where Miku once stood. She turns to you and smiles.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this!" she says with a wink.

The Magical☆Miku charges at the Hachune Miku statue, and the two begin to battle.

You watch, terrified as the battle rages on.

From the statue's hands, blue lightning begins to strike Magical☆Miku, but this only seems to power her up.

And then, with a sickening crunch, Magical☆Miku's Negi gets shoved right up the Hachune Miku statue's nose.

The Hachune Miku statue wobbles a bit, then faints.

Magical☆Miku grins, before transforming back to her usual form. She turns to look at you and Rin.

"So, what did you think? My role in the mansion is taking care of the grounds, and part of that is protecting the peace. The statues tend to...wander a bit, get a little quirky at night.....but I always keep them in check!" She says proudly.

"Yeah, Len told me about everyone's roles earlier, but he didn't tell me you could transform!" you say.

"Yeah, Miku's sorta like a magical girl in that sense." Rin says.

"Yep, I'm an impeccably awesome groundskeeper AND tour guide! Now, why don't we show you the grounds?" Miku suggests. She takes your hand and while she and Rin take you to the grounds.

The three of you walk down the path leading through the garden.

Miku sighs dramatically, breathing in the fresh air. "I just love this place, with all these hedges, and statues...so so many cute little details...I never tire of looking at it. It's my favourite place in the world."

You smile, enchanted by the sight of her. She's a very dramatic person, but that's what makes her so likeable.

Lining the garden path are various flowers, fountains and sculptures. The flowers are delicate, their petals a vibrant blue. The water from the fountains forms tiny rainbows, delightfully iridescent.

Rin chuckles. "Well, of course you'd like a place YOU designed, Miku...but yeah, this place is pretty epic. I really like the tiny little gazebo over there."

Miku stops, turning to look at the gazebo.

"Yeah, it's so quaint and cute...and it's so nice to have a little space away from the bustle of the mansion to just sit and relax. This is one of the reasons I REALLY wanted to host the party here!" she beams.

"...Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it being quiet...?" you ask.

"Hehe, I suppose you have a point, but these parties are the real deal, (Y/N). We have musicians, artists, games, activities...it's quite the event."

Rin nods excitedly. "She's right y'know! Once, we even had a haunted mansion, but that was just for fun. Not to mention the food's great...also, don't tell anyone, but one time..."

Rin shuffles towards you, and whispers in your ear. "Luka saw a ghost!"

You stare at Rin, your eyes widening. "What? That's insane...but wait, Luka tends to...exaggerate her stories..."

Miku steps forward, a mischievous smile on her face. "I know, but the look on her face was incredibly convincing! She said it stole her tuna plushie, and for three weeks, NONE of us could find it! Then one day, boom! It was lying on the floor where the ghost was!"

You gasp, and the duo nods.

"We were thinking of throwing a welcome party for you, but I hope we didn't scare you into not going!" Miku says to you.

"Are you kidding? I'm not a huge party-person, but the ghost story got me intrigued!" you say.

"Excellent!" she smiles, and the two hug you.

"Oh, we should take you to the mansion's epic ballroom, it's huuuuuge!"

"Yes! It's super duper fancy, we even have some 1840s style ball gowns for special occasions! We should get some made for you as well!" Miku adds.

"Sure, sounds great!" you say.

"Yay!" they both say, taking your hands. "Let's go!"

But little did you know, there was someone watching you. Someone with sparkling eyes, the colour of the sea

♪☆to be continued☆♪


We interrupt your scheduled program to bring you the following message:

Berri-sama: Wow, Ai-sama....that eye colour could be literally anyone in the mansion except for Meiko... ( ̄ω ̄; )

AiDungeon: I know there's a lot of questions about who this mysterious someone is, and why they are following you. I'm going to answer those questions at a later time. Until then, I suggest you read to the very end, because there's a surprise at the very end.

Berri-sama:Oooh! Any hints? ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜

Aidungeon: To give you a hint, it's a character you are very familiar with.

Berri-sama: Wait, you accually answered my question!!! This is a miracle!!! Σ(☆ロ☆)!

Aidungeon:They love to watch over and over again.

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