[Chapter☆Six] Len's plan...?

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As you walk into the ballroom, you are amazed by the incredible architecture. It has a theme of Egyptian pyramids, with the main pyramid being the giant marble-surrounded dance-floor.

"It has a really cool Egyptian aesthetic!" Miku explains. "Every few years, a giant construction crew comes in, and completely replaces the entire ballroom. It used to be a castle, so there are a lot of hidden passages, and secret rooms! Quite sci-fi, no?"

"Miku, I think you need a dictionary or something..." Rin says, patting Miku on the back.

You gaze around, the ceiling is at least 15 feet high, with intricate plasterwork depicting the night sky. You notice a few small black marks on the ceiling, perhaps rodents...or bats. The air is rather stale, and smells like fresh bread.

"Do you smell that?" Rin asks. "It smells like Meiko's trying to make some bread."

"Oh, is she in the kitchen?" you ask.

"No, she likes to bake on the disco floor on the tallest tower." Rin explains.

"Yeah, that way, if something catches fire, we'd be able to smell it. Plus, the disco floor comes with speakers, so she can listen to some of the lit tunes! Like my favourite song, Sabre Dance!" Miku adds.

"..What now?" you ask.

"Oh, you don't know?" says Rin, "Miku's been getting into all sorts of classical music lately, after she discovered genres other than dance."

"Yeah, panini is a really lit dude!" Miku cheers.

"It's actually Paganini..." Rin says.

"If so, then why does Meiko play his pieces when she makes sandwiches!? Aha! Checkmate!"

"Hey, no fair! We're not playing chess!"

"Panini! It makes so much sense, Rin! Open your eyes! Open your mind!"

And so the two begin to argue.

You watch them for a little while, before getting bored. You awkwardly walk out of the room, and begin exploring some hallways of the mansion.

After a few minutes of wandering, you come across a staircase that ascends seemingly into the sky. Curious, you climb the stairway, and find yourself in a stone chamber, with a man in a long, black cape. He has a monocle on his eye.

"Hello, and welcome to my humble abode," he says.

"...Kaito? Is that you? " you ask.

"What do you mean, 'is that you'? Haven't you been listening to that little banana man or whatever you call him?"

"Y-You mean Len? What about him?" you ask.

"If you've been talking to him, then he probably already told you that I'm in charge of security. This is where I monitor everyone, in case of any danger." he Kaito explains, gesturing to the various CCTV cameras around the room.

You can see on the monitors some hallways, Miku and Rin in the ballroom, Meiko baking bread, and Len sleeping.

Luka's room has no camera, only audio for some reason.

"Len's been sending some odd messages ..." Kaito mutters.

"Messages?" You ask.

"Yeah, the last one was something about a white rabbit, and a girl with hair... he's been having very vivid dreams, or hallucinations...perhaps both, I'm unsure..." He says, before taking out a small black device, like a USB drive, and inserting it into his computer.

The device begins to transfer data onto the drive, as Kaito speaks.

"I need your help to figure out Len's plan. I've been monitoring all of his chat records for clues. This is interesting." He says, glancing at the screen.

"What do you mean...?"

"I've also been seeing strange things, ghosts and such in the house. I think Len's plan involves us interacting with these phenomena, to test our theories."

"...What do you mean he has a plan...? Where are you getting this information, and how do I know I can trust you? Len is my friend, after all...."

Kaito raises his eyebrow, almost in surprise.

"I haven't given you any reason to trust me, yet. However, I wouldn't trust Len if I were you. Quite frankly, I'm a little annoyed that he's been interfering with my investigation. I've tried to find some way to remove his influence on the house, but there isn't anything that can be done."

"You sound like you're close to a conclusion. What am I looking for, specifically? And you still haven't explained how he has a plan...?"

"Hmmm, that's a secret I'm not at liberty to share... yet. I can tell you this much, though. Len has been working on some kind of plan, and I'm at least 39% sure It involves the phenomena of the house. And that's where you come in."

"...39% sure...? You do realise, you're making it really difficult to trust you..."

"Let me finish! As I said, this is the part where you come in: Len is trying to get you on his side, so that he can use you to gain the upper hand against the rest of us. He wants you to gather together all the phenomena in the house, so that he can lock us all inside and then..."

"Then what?"

"That's as far as we've been able to figure out."

"...No offence, but...where is your evidence of any of this...? You know, to back up your claims that Len has a plan?"

"I'm working on it....I'm trying to figure out what exactly those ghosts are up to. I've been following them, and some of them are acting very weirdly. I thought if I got all the facts together, I could come up with a theory..."

".....Ok, I- I'm going to look for Len....see you around, I guess..."

You start heading towards the exit but Kaito stops you.

"Wait! Don't tell anyone about this, and....keep an eye on Len. I still don't trust him..." he tells you.

You nod slowly. "....Ok, sure.....C-can I go now...or..."

Kaito sighs, and nods. 

♪☆to be continued☆♪


We interrupt your scheduled program to bring you the following message:

Berri-Sama: Sorry the image is so low-resolution, I tried... (˘̩╭╮˘̩)

 AiDungeon: I know I might be a little over-the-top with the whole "white rabbit" thing, but I feel like it'd be a waste to just let that slip by. Plus, I felt that "Len has a plan" part would be more mysterious if we go with just a regular ol' murder. 

Berri-Sama: Murder? I didn't hear anything about that? Is this gonna go for a yandere angle, or just a cereal killer? Exciting! ヽ(°〇°)ノ

AiDungeon: The author would like to thank you for reading this story so far.

Berri-Sama: Yeah, this has been fun, and I'm grateful that you've made it this far into the story! I'm quite lazy, but I wanted to make a story that is both enjoyable to read, has a semi-consistent upload schedule, and won't get abandoned  \( ̄▽ ̄)/

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