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"you know i've never done this?" luke laughed lightly. "like, a date-date." michael resided his eyebrows. "not what'd you expect." he released a breathy laugh again.

"why?" michael nearly whispered.

"i guess i just look like that type of person. it's just what people expect."

"n-not me." luke smiled at him. michael decided that he liked his dimples. a lot.

"you're doing it again." luke said.

"d-doing wh-at?" michael became self conscious looking down at his hands to make sure they weren't fidgeting like usual.

"you just kinda stare at me, with a blank face almost."

"s-sorry." michael itched his nose with the sleeve of his sweater, cowering into the booth seat.

"it's not a bad thing michael. it's, it's cute." michael's green eyes flickered up to luke's.

"oh." he breathed, feeling some sort of relief flood through his body. luke thought he was cute.

after they had finished what they had ordered, luke paid not even giving michael the chance to protest. luke drove michael home, telling him more about the town and incidents that had happened.

michael specifically remembered a story luke told him about calum. one of the boys michael had met, jack, dared calum to run naked through the center of town and around in a semicircle. for a grand total of fifty dollars.

michael was petrified thinking about it. he wondered how could someone even think to do that? naked. he thought it was intimate. he thought someone shouldn't just be put on for show like that.

luke opened michael's door for him again once they reached his house. he walked michael to the door hold his hand in michael's.

"thank you michael," he said shyly. michael didn't think he'd ever see luke like this. "for my first ever date-date." michael gave him him a closed mouth smile.

"and i do hope to get a second." he bit his lip ring. michael like his lip ring too. he decided he should start a list of things he liked about luke. he also decided that it would be a very long list.

and then luke did something that made michael feel fuzzy. luke kissed michael's cheek, squeezing his hand a bit.

"goodnight michael." he said backing up down the walkway. he kept eye contact between the two. michael's cheek tingled.

"n-night." he whispered almost falling backwards to the door. be broke eye contact slipping inside the door. he watched luke leave through the peephole.

when luke left michael slid down against the door releasing a sigh, glancing at the clock on the wall.


who here lives in florida?

me for the week lolz

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