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"No, she just loves creatures, magical or non-magical"

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"No, she just loves creatures, magical or non-magical"



"Fortuna Major." Seamus Finnigan says to the Fat Lady.
"Here, listen." The Fat Lady continues to sing a high note.
"She just won't let me in." He tells us as the four of us walk up to him.

"Fortuna Major." Harry tries.
"No, no, no. Wait, wait. Watch this." She starts singing again, but then it turns into a high pitched scream. I cover my ears. Then she turns and smashes the glass she's holding onto a wall behind her in the picture.

"Oh, amazing! Just with my voice."
"Yes, yes amazing you did great, Fortuna Major," I say sternly.

"Yes, all right. Go in."

"Thank you." I roll my eyes and we all pile into the Gryffindor common room.
"Still doing that after three years," Harry states, annoyed.
"She can't even sing," Seamus says.
"Exactly," I tell the boys and head up to the girls' dormitory.

I met Ginny and Hermione up there. I smile at my two friends and throw myself on the bed.

"Long day?" Ginny asks.
"Well, I... just walked up a bunch of stairs. Plus I didn't get much sleep last night." I tell her, about to let it slip that I was a werewolf and the full moon thing.

"Right. Sorry." She apologizes.
"Don't be. I'm just glad to be back in the castle."

"How's Harry?"

"Why do you care?" I sit up and raise my eyebrow at her.

"Ginny, here, has a crush," Hermione smirks.
"No, I do not!" She defends.

"Oh, I'm sorry. She's in love." Hermione puts her hands to her heart and looks up to the ceiling.

"Stop it, Hermione! Do you want me to tease you about Ron? I know you fancy him!"

"What? No, I don't!"

"Hermione don't even try to deny it, it's very bloody obvious that you both fancy each other," I told her.
"Says the girl who had a crush on Fred last year!"

"You had a crush on Fred! Merlin!" Ginny yells.

"Why do we have to talk about boys? Can't we just enjoy each other's company?" I told them trying to forget what was just said.

"I suppose." Ginny huffs out. "Fine." "Good. Now, what are your classes?"

Aries POV

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