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"Hippogriffs caught your tongue"

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"Hippogriffs caught your tongue"



November POV

I felt free like there was nothing in the world that could stop me and I loved this feeling. The air hitting my face was amazing, almost like flying a broom when playing quidditch but this beats that.

This must be what birds feel like when they are flying. Free. Like nothing else matters in the world and I love it.

Harry yelled in excitement spreading his hands like he was gonna give a huge hug. I sat there making sure I wouldn't fall loving every second of this. This is definitely a core memory.

After a while, we came back. Landing on solid ground.

"Well done, Harry, and well done Nova, Buckbeak." Harry and I went back over to the group and subconsciously I hugged Theo. But pulled back immediately.

"Sorry, but that was awesome," I said excitedly. He had a small faint smile.
"You are crazy," he said to me. I shrugged and went to my cousin.

"Oh, please." I hear Malfoy mutter.
"Well done, well done," Hagrid says, walking over to us.
"How am I doing on the first day?"

"Brilliant, professor." I smile at him.
"Yes you're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute!" Malfoy strides forwards, right in front of Buckbeak.
"He's not ugly, you stupid ferret., I yelled.
"Malfoy, no..." Hagrid tried to tell him. Buckbeak gets on his hind legs and claws at Malfoy's arm. Hagrid rushes to stand in between the two.

"No! Buckbeak! Whoa, whoa, whoa... Whoa! Buckbeak!" He throws a ferret off a few yards away.
"Aw, you silly creature! That wasn't a ferret even though he looks like one." I yelled.
"It's killed me!" Malfoy whimpers.
"Calm down! It's just a scratch!"
"Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital." Hermione says.

"We'll take him." I walk over to Malfoy and cast, "Wingardium Leviosa." He hovers over the ground and I walk him towards the castle with Aries and Theo following behind us.

"You're gonna regret this." He points back to Hagrid and the hippogriff.
"Draco, shut the hell up before I drop you off the astronomy tower." I told him.

"Class dismissed!" Hagrid says. Malfoy whimpers the whole way.
"My father will hear about this! That oaf will be done for!"

"Yo, shut it, you whining baby!" I screamed at him. He looks at me with wide eyes.
If you wouldn't have disrespected the bloody creature, like you do everyone else, this wouldn't have happened! You have no one to blame but yourself." He snaps back to his normal self.

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