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Chapter Forty Nine

February 8th, 1847

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February 8th, 1847

Tom circled his way around Cerys, who trembled under the managing grin he gave it. She took a step back, Tom didn't seem to notice— or care, whichever one it was, instead he laughed, throwing his head back. And oh, did he look so dazzling with the moon's glow against his porcelain like skin, pearly whites glimmering, eyes holding nothing but madness.

"To think I've been looking for the diadem all this time, and it was right under my nose." Tom had been curious over the days. He knew Cerys went to the astronomy tower some nights, for what, he wasn't aware. It wasn't until now that he followed her, and to his surprise, she was speaking to a ghost that didn't speak outside of her house. Cerys stepped back, ready to bolt but Tom seemed to be a step ahead of her. Swiftly, he caged her against the railing, smiling coyly. "My, my, such a beautiful convenience you are, aren't you, dove?"

Cerys gritted her teeth. "I don't know where the diadem is, Tom."

Tom's smile faded, replaced by a sheer look of frustration. "Oh, you act like you don't know a lot of things, but we both know that isn't true." He said. "What other things are you hiding, hm?"

Cerys turned her face away, squeezing her eyes shut in hopes to avoid the blazing gaze of Tom. She whimpered when Tom gripped her jaw, turning her face back again.

"Oh, no. Don't think you can hide, darling. Not again. Look at me." She opened her eyes. Tom was growing increasingly frustrated as he thought of everything. "Every time I mentioned the diadem, you knew. You knew and yet you kept it from me. Ever since you've come here, lie after lie, secret after secret. What other secrets do you have? First the book, your knowledge of the room of requirement, your ancestry. Tell me, what else are you hiding?"

Tom's smouldering eyes grew darker, more calculated and focused, as though peeling her layer by layer. Cerys realized what he was doing, ligillimens. Oh, no. She thought, the barriers of her mind shooting up. She grunted when a pang of pain shot through her head. Nonetheless, she remained resilient. She had too many secrets, secrets too big to be revealed. If Tom knew the truth, where she came from... she shivered. Cerys let out another pain noise, her hands gripping onto Tom's nails digging into his skin. Tom let out a deep chuckle, how pathetic. Cerys's mental strength was growing weak, and soon enough...

Tom gasped when he was thrown to the other side of the tower, back hitting the stone wall painfully. Cerys breathed heavily, betrayal clear in her eyes. I wouldn't hurt you intentionally my foot, she thought bitterly, her head throbbing. With a groan, Tom stood up, and before he could comprehend, Cerys made a run for it. She could feel her energy draining, the ligillimens and wandless magic taking its toll on her.

"Oh, no you don't." Tom said, rushing after her.

Cerys' heart hammered in her chest, just get to your dorm, just get to your dorm, was all the raced in her head. He couldn't do anything to her with someone around. Unfortunately, that plan went flying out the window when Tom took a hold of her wrist. She cried out, but a hand spin clamped over her mouth. 

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