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Chapter Forty Seven

Chapter Forty Seven

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February 28th, 1947

Murmurs buzzed around her head as darkness consumed Cerys' senses. The voices sounded familiar, like a distant memory she couldn't quite put her finger on. Her fingers tingled, so did her toes, it was a funny feeling. Her brows furrowed as she tried to wriggle them, gradually coming to a moment of success.

The muddled voices seemed to clear briefly until they ceased all together. Soon after, Cerys' eyes opened to blurry whiteness. Confused, she blinked a few times to clear her vision and she was met with the startling sight of Dumbledore, Dippet, and Slughorn standing over her bed. From the corner of her eye, she could see two other figures standing to the left of her feet.

She noticed tall windows on the other side of the wall and curtains draped on either side of her bed. It looked to be the hospital wing. The past events came rushing back to her, flashing before her eyes for a brief moment.

Her mouth tasted vile and swallowing was a pain with her dry throat. "Professors..." she rasped, cringing when a band around her head tightened.

"Oh dear, step aside," the voice of a female spoke. "Is she finally awake? Step aside, please... good morning, dear. Your head must hurt, here, take this."

Before she could even register what was happening, liquid was poured into her mouth. It tasted much worse than her mouth did. Cerys went to snap her face to the side but a gentle hand kept her in place until the flask of God-knows-what was empty.

"You should feel better in a few moments," the nurse spoke as Cerys held back the urge to vomit.

"Do you think she can speak to us?" Dippet, at least that's who she thought it was, questioned.

"I'd refrain from speaking to her right away. Let her settle down first, headmaster," there was a sharp edge to her tone. "We can't have her passing out a second time."

Pass out? Had Cerys passed out? Well it would certainly explain why she was in the hospital wing of Hogwarts with no recollection of how she got there.

"Yes, madam, we'll leave her be for now. We must be off, Miss. Grahamm, rest well," Dippet said with a nod.

Cerys was about to nod back, but she stopped. "Tom," she mumbled, stopping them in their tracks. "Where is Tom?"

The quartet glanced at one another for a moment before Dumbledore took a step forward. "We're not aware of where he is. He appariated."

Cerys' lips turned down and her eyebrows drew together. He... left? Where could he have gone? Her breath caught in her throat. Her necklace. He had it last, and he took it with him.

    Her head felt fuzzy. She wasn't sure what to think. What would Tom do next? Should she be more worried about Tom or Grindelwald? Speaking of which—

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