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Chapter Fifty Two

February 15th, 1947

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February 15th, 1947

The clock had struck twelve by the time the pair trudged into Hogsmeade. The streets were desolate, apart from the areas that were faintly lit by the lanterns in the streets, the town was enveloped by shadows that leered down at Cerys and Tom. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Cerys huddles closer to Tom. Tonight, the town was oddly eerie, or maybe it was the idea that Grindelwald could be lurking around anywhere.

Cerys laughed nervously. "Funny how it's our first time in Hogsmade."

"What's worse is we're together." Tom muttered.

Cerys glared at him, pinching his side. "No one told you to come with me."

"Yeah, and if I hadn't, I'm sure Grindelwald would have let me off the hook." Tom said sarcastically. "Come on."

"Where are we even going?" Cerys questioned. "We have no money for a hotel."

"We'll get some from Gringotts." Tom said. "We've just to be careful not to be seen by anyone."

Cerys frowned, something in her gut telling her that this would be a bad idea. Remaining quiet, she followed Tom along the darkened streets of Hogsmeade. As Tom gazed straight ahead of him, Cerys' eyes darted back and forth between their surroundings. Saying she was paranoid was an understatement. Her skin prickled, the hair on the back of her neck stood up in high alert, anxiety crawling up her spine. Tom seemed to be clueless, and Cerys was wondering how or why he was so calm. What was he thinking? Did he have a plan? Had the master planner even planned for a major ambush that wasn't even planned for him? Cerys cracked a smile. Just proves that you can not plan for everything in life. With a deep sigh, Cerys picked up the pace. Soon, they would reach Gringotts... if Tom knew where he was going. Only then Cerys realized that it was his first time in Hogsmeade.

"Tom, do you even know where Gringotts is?"

Tom scoffed, as though offended that Cerys ever considered he didn't know where he was going. "What do you think?"

"I think you've never been to Hogsmeade before and it would be expected you don't know the entire map like the back of your hand." Cerys said in an 'obviously' tone. Tom simply rolled his eyes.

Fifteen, long and cold minutes later, Cerys was tapping her foot impatiently by a sign, a glare set on her face. Her arms were wrapped around her cold body, fingers digging into the fabric of her coat in efforts to warm the reddening skin. Tom scratched the back of his neck, his own cheeks tinted, and Cerys wasn't sure whether it was out of the cold or embarrassment. Either way, the witch was not pleased what so ever.

    "Surprise, surprise. The Tom Riddle doesn't know his way." Cerys said sarcastically. Tom returned the girl's harsh glare, jaw clenching in annoyance. "Looks like we'll have to sleep on the streets."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐱 » 𝐭.𝐦.𝐫Where stories live. Discover now