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Chapter Fifty One

  February 14th, 1947

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  February 14th, 1947

       Slughorn's party was tonight, and thankfully, Cerys had successfully avoided Crudith and his efforts in taking her. In fact, she hadn't seen him at all these past few days. It was odd, and she couldn't help but question whether or not it was all her who deserved the credit of staying away from the boy. Nonetheless, she hadn't dwelled on the thought, simply remaining thankful she didn't have to encounter him.

     Currently, she walked about aimlessly in the castle. It was past curfew, but she wasn't worried. half the castle was already at Slughorn's party. The leftover and miserable prefects were only keeping the halls clear of students out of trouble. There wasn't much to do anyways. She had already studied, which had been useless in itself, and Alphard and Fabula had already left to sleep. She had claimed she'd go to sleep soon, but that was two hours before. She hadn't felt all too well recently, and her mind just couldn't come to a halt. Ironic since it wasn't helping her in school so far. She had considered to talk to Helena many times, yet each time she backed out. What could the ghost do? At most she could tell her where the diadem was, but that is exactly what Cerys didn't want. It was either that, or the ridiculous notion of making Riddle care. Cerys scoffed. Though, even with all of that, a small part of her didn't want to face Helena for the fact that she was right. She cared for Tom, even more than she had let on to herself. It was humiliating.

     Speaking of Tom, he was growing impatient, and Cerys' excuses were coming to an end. The boy didn't believe her when she said she hadn't gotten the chance to talk to Ravenclaw, and ever since his deadline had ended, he was more than just annoyed...

     "You are impossible." Seethed the wizard just this morning. "I've been merciful enough to give you so much time, and yet here you are telling me that you haven't talked to her?"

     Cerys remained quiet. lips sealed shut, only irking Tom more.

     "You seemed pretty comfortable with her that night, sounded like you were long lost friends, and you can't ask her where the diadem is."

     "What am I supposed to tell her?" Cerys asked calmly. "I can't tell her I want it for you. She'd at least notify someone."

     Tom rolled his eyes. "You're usually a master at lying." He said bitterly. "You can come up with something believable."

     "You're forgetting it's much more than a piece of jewelry to me, Tom."

      "I don't care about whatever protectiveness you have over it. I want it, and once I get it, you'll have your necklace back."

     Cerys shifted on her feet as she continued to think over the situation. She wanted her necklace, but she couldn't allow Tom to take a step closer to his wicked fantasy. Occupied in her thoughts, the witch hadn't noticed a certain red head approach her from behind. Cerys gasped when someone grabbed her arm and began to drag her across the cobble floors of the school. Prewett.

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