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Chapter Seventy Four

Chapter Seventy Four

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March 12th, 1947

     Leonard Spencer-Moon. The Minister of Magic. Tom studied him carefully as the man stood in the elevator with him, arms flat by his side, eyes staring at the doors. He was a frail looking man and yet he held power that Tom dreamt of having. 

    "I don't quite understand why we didn't apparate to your office." 

    Although Leonard's eyes remained glued to the doors, you couldn't miss the way his lips turned up, almost excited that someone was as bold to make such a statement. "I'm not as humble a man as most think. I, too, like to make my presence known at times. One can't do so when you simply vanish and reappear in a single room." 

    Tom didn't argue with the rationale. He was more conceited than most so he couldn't lie and say he wouldn't do the same had he been in the same position. The elevator soon reached their desired floor, Leonard strutted out of the elevator, Tom following suit. 

    The Minister's office seemed to have been untouched. Dust gathered on the desk, papers stacked messily upon each other, the chairs pulled out and not having been pushed back in. Tom glanced around the room, unimpressed but he didn't say anything. 

   "Now, don't give me that look. You might break my heart." Leonard chuckled. Tom couldn't help the suspicion bubbling in his stomach at the Minister's frank attitude. "As you can see, this place isn't particularly in pristine condition but it'll suffice. I can't say I've been here in a while." 

    "Busy week?" Tom asked, not very interested in the answer. 

   Leonard grinned widely and nodded. Unlike the boy was with him, he was very amused him. "Very sharp, aren't you?" 

   Tom gave him a half smile that didn't meet his eyes. 

   "Now to get to business." Leonard sat in his chair, leaning back against it. "You'll be given whatever was promised to you-" 

   "I'd like that on paper, if you don't mind," Tom said dryly. 

   He received a smirk in return. "Yes, of course. Besides that, you wanted the locket, correct?" The boy nodded. "Why is that? What possibly made you so... determined to get it?" 

    Tom stared at Leonard for a brief moment, considering whether or not to answer. "I'm the heir of Slytherin. I was born an orphan, it's the only thing I have to my name." 

    Leonard narrowed his eyes. He could tell that wasn't the full truth but he wasn't threatened by the lack of information so he smiled in return. "What makes you believe that?" 

    "I can speak parsel-tongue." 

    His brows raised. "Is that so? And how did we find that out?" 

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