Chapter 23

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A/N-I know some stuff about chess. Not a lot.

Isabelle headed back up to the top floor of the Avenger's compound. She found Bucky staring at a chess board across from Bruce. Isabelle went up to Bucky's side and moved a piece for him. "Hey! Where did you come from?" Bucky asked indignantly. Isabelle shrugged. "I was busy... down at the medical center?" she hesitantly said. Bucky furrowed his forehead. "Why? Were you hurt?" he questioned. Isabelle shook her head. "I saw Chrissie," Isabelle replied. "Oh. Jack?" he asked. Isabelle nodded and pulled up a chair. "Anyway... Who's winning the game?" she asked. "Bruce. Three times in a row," Bucky said, glaring at the man in front of him. Bruce shrugged. "Can I try?" Isabelle butted in, breaking the eye contact between the two men. "Sure. I give up," Bucky replied, defeated. He moved over so Isabelle could be in front of the board. Bruce moved all the pieces back to their original places. "You can play white," Bruce offered. Isabelle smirked. "Thanks," she said. Isabelle moved her first piece, then Bruce. It went fairly smoothly until Isabelle moved her rook and said, "Checkmate." "What? How?" Bruce murmured to himself, trying to figure out where he went wrong. "You kept the left side of your queen open, so I killed it, then with the queen out of the way, it was smooth sailing to knock out your king," Isabelle explained. "Oh... How did you get so good at chess in the first place?" Bruce asked. "I was a part of the chess club at school, but I didn't do all that much there. Then when Jack pulled me out of school, I started seriously playing against the computer to fill in time and have fun," Isabelle said. "Well good game, Isabelle," Bruce said, offering his hand. Isabelle took it and the game was over.

Isabelle woke up the next day to snow outside. Her face lit up and she raced out to Bucky. "Dad! Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad! It's snowing! We have to go out!" Isabelle exclaimed. Bucky smiled at her. His heart still warmed everytime Isabelle called him dad. "Okay, okay. We will. But first you need to eat breakfast," Bucky ordered. Isabelle nodded and grabbed out a bowl and spoon. The cereal was already on the table. Isabelle scoffed down her breakfast, wiped her mouth and raced back to her room to get changed. She came out a couple minutes later, coat and boots on. She headed to the door. "Slow down, Iz. I still have to go and get ready," Bucky said. "Seriously? Well hurry up!" Isabelle replied, rolling her eyes. She sat down while Bucky left to get ready. After what seemed like ages, he finally came out. "Finally! Now let's gooooooo!" Isabelle said. "I'm coming. I'm coming," Bucky replied. Isabelle took Bucky by the hand and dragged him out the door. Bucky was staring at his phone then quickly typed out a message and sent it. He pocketed the phone and took a deep breath. "What was that?" Isabelle asked. "I asked Nat to meet us at the park," Bucky answered. "Cool!" Isabelle said happily. They made their way there, Isabelle half dragging Bucky to get there quicker. As soon as they got there Isabelle started making a snowman. Or snowwoman rather. Bucky joined in and Isabelle named her Miss Snowy.

Natasha spotted the pair and decided to have some fun. She picked up some snow, formed a ball and threw it as hard as she could straight into Bucky's back. He whirled around and when he layed eyes on Nat, he grinned. And threw a snowball right back at her. Isabelle had looked up when the thwack of the snowball hit Bucky. She smiled when Bucky retaliated and went right back to making the snowwoman. Bucky ran up to Nat, but she sprinted off. Somehow without stopping, Natasha threw more snowballs behind her at Bucky. Bucky did the same. He put on a burst of speed and caught up with Nat. He tackled her to the ground. They fell, the snow softening their landing. Natasha laughed. Her hair was a mess, she was trapped on the ground under Bucky. Bucky stared at her and smiled. He gently pushed a stray hair out of Nat's face. Bucky caught Natasha's eyes and she froze. Bucky shook his head at the woman and smiled. Slowly, Natasha smiled back. Bucky couldn't hold back. He lowered his mouth to meet Natasha's. He kissed her, softly, gently. He pulled back to see Natasha's eyes closed, mouth in a soft smile. Bucky got up and offered his hand to Nat. She took it and Bucky smiled to himself. Together, without saying a word, they made their way back to Isabelle. 

A/N- Sorry I didn't upload on Saturday. I was really tired and had stuff to do. But I am going to upload on Saturady this week though. 

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