Arriving to Green Gables

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My name is Aurora. I just moved here from England. My brother wanted to start a new life here. He always liked this place and he always wanted to move here.

We arrived at our new house and my brother decided to meet the new neighbors. My brother knocks on their door, putting on a big smile.

"Where's your smile?" My brother asked

"It got stuck on the way here." I say, crossing my arms

"At least act like you wanna be here then."

I put on a big smile as I hear them opening the door.

"Hey, we are your new neighbors. My name is Arthur, and this is my little sister, Aurora."

"Oh, well, hello there Arthur my name is Marilla an-"

"Who is at the door?" asked a red-headed girl with freckles all over her face. "She's beautiful" I thought to myself. I wish I had freckles like those and red hair like that. It's different. Beautiful.

"This is Arthur and Aurora. They are our new neighbors"

"Hello, my name is Anne. Oh yay! A new friend. You and I are going to become great friends, maybe even best friends." I smile just looking at her, then at my brother.

"Why don't I just leave her here for a bit, Anne seems like a sweet girl and I think Aurora will love her."
She grabs my hand and pulls me outside. She takes me to the woods and this house. It's small but inside it's pretty big.

We sit on the floor and she begins to run me over with questions.

"Where did you come from? Do you like Green Gables so far? Are you going to start school here? Do you read? How big is your imagination?"

She doesn't stop talking. I don't get annoyed though I just look at her, taking a breath. Talking as slowly as I can.

"I came from Wiltshire, England. Green Gables is alright so far, I will be starting school, I don't know much about it. I'll say it's okay but my mind is telling me it will grow with you. Oh, and yes I do read."

"Oh, that's good, I'm so happy. You know, I sometimes imagine that my name is Princess Cordilian and that I live in this big castle."

"Really? I imagine that my name is Aurora and that I still live in England"

"Is it nice over there? Elegant?"

"No, it's just very beautiful and the people there are very charming no matter where you come from."

"That must be nice. What about if you're an orphan?" She asks calming down a bit.

"Especially if you're an orphan. They'll pity you most of the time but they will also help you."

Hours passed by and it was getting dark so we both headed home. On the way, we bump into a friend of Anne's.

"Diane, I want you to meet Aurora. She just moved here from England."
"Hello there Diane, Anne I have to head home. My brother will kill me if I get home late." I said waving as I headed home. She seemed sweet and innocent. She was also very beautiful. I forgot to tell her that.

My mom always told me to never judge someone and to always be nice. My brother repeats that all the time just so I never forget to have some sense and brains. He told me those things before we arrived at Green Gables. I just nodded and ignored the rest of the ride here.

I get home seeing my brother on the table reading a book. He never lets one go.

"What are you reading?"

"A book about gold. I saw it in the shop today and I thought it was interesting." he said, still reading it.

"You think everything is interesting. Goodnight I'm going to bed."

The next morning I woke up to my brother in my face.

"Get ready for school."

I groan, getting up and getting ready, hearing a knock on the door.

"Aurora, Anne is gonna take you to school. Here's your bag, I love you" He said, giving me a kiss on the forehead as I walked out the door.

"Hey Anne."

"Good Morning! Ugh, isn't it so bright and beautiful?" She said with a big smile.

"Yeah, it's hermosa." I said, smiling a little bit.

"Pardon?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"Hermosa is beautiful in Spanish."

We walked for a long time before running into a boy. "He's cute." I thought to myself. He had a pointy-ish nose and had a creamy white skin tone. His hair was curly which was very black and  had a nice face shape. His mouth was small and his ears were medium sized. His jawline was just perfect.

"Hey Anne, and you are?" The boy asked, turning to look at me with a soft smile.

"My name's Aurora."

"My name's Gilbert. I like your accent, it's really nice"

"Thank you, I just got here from England." I said with a smile and Anne was just watching.

 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 & 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 |Gilbert BlytheWhere stories live. Discover now