Chapter 5-Gone

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I look at Gilbert the entire time while the priest is talking. "He didn't deserve to lose his dad." I thought to myself.

"Go up there with him," said Marilla. "He said he wants you up there with him." She grabs my hand, taking me up there with him. I stand next to him putting my hand on his back. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on mine.

"I'm sorry, I should have left you alone yesterday." I whisper, looking at him. I grabbed his hand, interlocking my fingers with his. He squeezed my hand, it brought a tear to my eye. I had flashbacks from when I was at my parents funeral. I couldn't handle it so I tried to leave but Gilbert pulled me back, squeezing my hands again but harder. I think I saw a tear in his eye but I was able to wipe it off before it fell.

It took ten minutes for the priest to finally stop talking, I saw everyone leaving but I stayed with him mostly because he couldn't stop squeezing my hand. When he finally let go he went to stand in front of his father's tombstone. I just stared at him, not knowing what to do. I decided to stand next to him holding his hand again. It felt nice holding his hand. The fact that he never wanted to let go brought butterflies to my stomach.

"What happened to your parents?" He asked.

I stayed quiet. I didn't know where to start. From the beginning, from the middle, or close to the end? I stayed quiet for a good minute, deciding to make the story short before I started to cry.

"They died when I was young, that's all I could say about them. My brother has been taking care of me since then."

"I'm sorry.  You do know how it feels to lose a parent and I yelled at you for it.. I'm so sorry, Aurora, please forgive me." You could hear his voice cracking after every word. My throat started closing and I felt like crying, but I was able to hold it in.

"It's okay, it was a long time ago, Gilbert. It's fine." My accent went away for a second then came back, it felt weird.

"No, it's not. I should have not said anyth-"

"GIlbert, I said it's fine now, can we leave it alone?" I interrupted.

We sat there for a while and we got interrupted by someone calling my name.

"Aurora, can we speak for a moment?" I heard them say. When I turned around it was Mr. Phillips.

"Why can't he just leave me alone.?" I thought to myself. "Yes it's fine Mr. Phillips."

We walk away and I just look at Gilbert.

"You're in love with him, aren't you?" he said as I froze.

"No, I'm not Mr. Phillips, now what do you want?"

"You are. I saw the way he looked at you and he wanted you to go in front with him."

"That's him not me, get it right Mr. Phillips."

"I think I might love you." He said. I froze again.

"What in the world.. NO! Please god NO! Why me?! Why did it have to be me?! Why not an actual woman who is your actual age?!"

"Because no other woman is as beautiful as you or as perfect as you." He said, getting closer. He puts a hand on my waist. I move back quickly. He's not the man I want. He is not even the man I've dreamt of.

"Please." He said.
"No!" I walk away, going back to Gilbert seeing him just sit there in front of his father's grave. I go to him, sitting right next to him and I try to grab his hand but he moves it. It's quiet for a good two minutes, just staring at the grave.

"Would you like to go to-"

"Mr. Phillips.. He won't leave me alone. What you saw through the window was him trying to grab my hand and like you said, I didn't let him. He tried to kiss me just now but I didn't let him. Don't you dare say that I have to tell my brother because if I do he will kill him. You've seen how he is, Gilbert. Imagine how he would react to hearing the teacher trying to make a move on his baby sister. I am the only thing he cares about in his life. If we tell him, if I tell him, he would ruin his life and Mr. Phillips."

 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 & 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 |Gilbert BlytheWhere stories live. Discover now