Chapter 16- Wedding Day

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I wake up early going downstairs for some tea, hearing pounding on the door.

"AURORA!!! GILBERT!!!! IT'S WEDDING DAY!!!" said a familiar voice. I open the door seeing Anne and Diane walking straight in, then the boys from our old class follow behind, going straight upstairs to wake up Gilbert. I could see them all carrying him down the stairs, the girl took me to Arthurs bedroom to get ready.

"I know Arthur would have loved this day" said Anne, Diane agreeing with her.

"He would have, I know he wishes he was here to see it"

Anne starts fixing up my hair and Diane does makeout. I just stared at my dress. It was beautiful, it was all I've ever dreamed of. I forgot the part that I was getting married to convince my aunt that I was doing okay here and that I didn't need to live with her, but I really didn't care about that part anymore, I was getting married to Gilbert. I always wanted him since the moment he decided not to leave me alone when I asked, I know it sounds weird but Gilbert gave me a feeling everytime I looked in his eyes, a feeling that will now never go away.

Anne starts talking about Louis and how he came to her house with flowers asking to go with him for a walk. My heart sank a bit knowing that it was supposed to be me but I was happy about the position I was in. I still loved Louis but I know Anne will love him more.

"It was amazing I couldn't stop blushing and it was hilarious when I said big words in front of him his face would smile in confusion, and oh my the way he looked into my eyes. His beautiful brown smokey quartz like eyes made me feel like the only girl on the planet. It was crazy how he went for me an ugly girl-"

"Anne, what did I say about calling yourself ugly? '' I interrupted.

"My apologies, it's just-"

"Nonsense your beautiful, lord I would kill for your red hair and freckles, in England it's beautiful and everyone loves it." I said smiling at her as they did the finishing touches on my hair, it was time for the dress.

I put on the dress looking at myself in the mirror, I was beautiful. There was a knock at the door and Diane covered me.

"Who is it?"


"Come in" I said

"It's time and you look stunning."

I walked out the door and there was Gilbert and everyone looking at me. Sebastian held my hand and walked me down the aisle. I thought the wedding was going to be somewhere else but I guess there was a change of plans. I look at Gilbert and he has tears in his eyes. I felt everyone's eyes on me but I didn't care.

Gilbert laid a hand out for me and I grabbed it as the priest started talking.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Gilbert Blythe and Aurora Lillian Wright in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly."

I looked at the crowd and there I made eye contact with Louis who was next to Anne, he didn't look sad, he just looked happy for me.

"If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace..."

Everyone was quiet.

"Perfect would you guys like to say anything to each other?"

"Aurora, I've loved you since the day I walked you to school, since the day I first laid eyes on you, since the day you threw cake at me in my kitchen right after my father passed just to put a smile on my face. You made me feel loved again and you never failed to put a smile on my face. I would give you the world if possible. I don't believe in soulmates but now I do thanks to you."

I was crying, everything he said made me feel special, I wouldn't change him for anyone else especially Louis.

"Aurora, do you have anything to say?"

"I'm going to love you forever Gilbert and I wouldn't change you for anything else. I have loved you since I first met you, when you couldn't leave me alone because you wanted to protect me, even Arthur knew I loved you. He made me talk about you before his last breath because he wanted to leave knowing I was in love with someone. I always knew I was going to find my soulmate, but I didn't know my soulmate would be here."

He was in tears too. I didn't know a wedding would involve so many.

"I, Gilbert, take you Aurora, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

I could barely say I was crying so much I could barely even talk.

"I, Aurora, take you Gilbert, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

"You may now kiss the bride," said the priest.

Gilbert grabbed me and kissed me, he didn't want to let go at all but he had to.

We walked down the aisle together as people started to congratulate us.

"I have a surprise for you" he said as he took me to the carriage.

An hour later we arrived at where my brother's grave is, he sat me in front of it.

"I know he would have loved today, so I brought you to him. I'm going to go talk to my father, so I'm gonna leave you here."

I took a breath as memories started running past my head.

"I miss you, I remember when mom used to give us lessons about our father and how she would also tell us stories of their youth. We didn't have a good childhood but at least we had each other growing up. I'm happy we moved here. I'm happy that before you died you told me about Thomas. I wouldn't change you for anyone else and I wish you were here so bad because I miss your comfort and your hugs. I love you, say hi to mom and dad for me. I know they would have loved this day as well."

Three years later.

"Push, push" said Anne, I could feel the baby coming out and man did it hurt. I was squishing Gilbert's hand and Diane's. I needed this baby out of me already.

"You're doing good, my love, don't worry." Said Gilbert.

It took a minute but that minute felt like almost an hour. I heard the baby crying but he stopped when he was handed to me. He was beautiful.

"What should we call him?"

"John Arthur Blythe" I said, Gilbert's face lighting up. John was his dad's name and he never thought that name would come out of my mouth in this way.

"I like it."

A.N- I hope you all enjoyed the story because I enjoyed writing it. If you guys wanna read another one of my stories Im writing one called playing with the king it is a fan-fiction about rio from the show good girls also for some of you Louis fans he ends up happy with Annie and he still loves Aurora but now he's just happy for her. Thank you for the support i love you all.

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