Saturn x Reader

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(Hope I did well, I dunno Saturn's personality, Sinnoh is not my strong suit lol)
(Also side note, since I don't know their personalities, and I haven't watched the anime or played the games in forever, I can't help but see Saturn as the quiet but kind one, Jupiter as a bit peppy, and then Mars is just resting b*tch-face)

Requested by the lovely corvid, @N0xi0us!~

As requested, reader is GN!

Bulbapedia failed me when I tried to find anything out about his personality, buuuut I did find an interesting tidbit in the trivia section!

Bulbapedia failed me when I tried to find anything out about his personality, buuuut I did find an interesting tidbit in the trivia section!

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(S/p) = small Pokémon

Things have been... hectic lately. Turns out Cyrus had lied to you, Saturn and most of the Galactic Team about the true plans. Mars and Jupiter were left only slightly traumatized by the fact their previous boss had been sucked into the Distortion World while trying to rebuild this one, and with Cyrus gone, Saturn was left to take his place.
Everyone knew Team Galactic would have to go into hiding for a while, or perhaps not, depending on what Saturn wanted Team Galactic to do.
You knew many would leave Team Galactic, whether that's disapproving of Saturn's choice in direction, or not wanting to be caught by authorities and wanting a more peaceful life.
Nonetheless, you and the other two remaining Commanders stood by Saturn's side.
It wasn't until Mars began snapping her fingers in your face that you were torn out of your thoughts.
"You were spacing out again, (Y/n)." Mars spoke, tilting her head slightly. "Are you alright?"
"Were you thinking about Saturn again?~" Jupiter chimed in, suddenly at your shoulder.
"Wh-N-No! W-Why would I be thinking about him?!" You spluttered, failing miserably in hiding your blush.
Jupiter laughed at you. "Oh c'mon (Y/n), it's obvious you like him!"
"I for one think you'd both make a cute couple." Mars piped up again, patting your shoulder in an attempt to ease you.
"Geez! You both are so blunt about it!" You huffed, taking a moment to relax, "What should I do? Saturn's so busy nowadays..."
"Make him not busy."
"Yeah, Saturn needs a break! Stubborn thing is probably holed up in Cyrus' old office." Jupiter ruffled your hair, smiling sweetly at you. "Good luck, (Y/n)!"

You shuffled your feet as you stood just outside Saturn's office, your (s/p) by your side for moral support. You could hear Saturn mumbling to himself and shifting papers about just beyond the door, and you could feel your nerves beginning to crawl on you.
You let out a soft sigh, stepping forward and gently knocking on the door. "Saturn? It's (Y/n)."
You could hear him pause for a moment before his voice responded. "Come in."
You glanced around the room as you opened the door, taking in the scattered mess of books and papers.
Mars and Jupiter were right, this man needs a break.
"Yes?" The blue-haired man was hunched over some papers, and through a quick glance you could see information on some of Sinnoh's legendary Pokémon, as well as a map of the region.
"You need a break." You stated, gently taking the papers from his hands and setting them on the desk. It wasn't too hard, Saturn naturally didn't like to be stressed, which often countered his stubbornness to know and understand things.
"But what about–"
"That can wait." You held his hands in yours, feeling warm as his thumbs brushed over your knuckles, "For now, you need to find a way to relax. We're not in the Veilstone HQ right now, we all have time find a new place to hide."
He took a deep breath, some of the tension in his form melting away as he released it. "You're right."
You smiled warmly, beginning to tug him towards the couch. He let you do so, happy to follow whatever plan you had in mind to help him relax. You sat down with him, glancing over the mess of papers and then to your Pokémon.
"(S/p), could you tidy up the papers around the room?"
Your Pokémon trilled happily, going about the room and picking up papers and books and setting them into piles to the best of its ability.
You glanced back to Saturn as he rested his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes and letting your presence calm him. Smiling, you reached up quietly, doing your best to tuck whatever loose strands of hair he had back into place. He peeked open an eye to look at you, and it was in that moment that you realized just how close the two of you were, and the revelation made you freeze for a moment.
"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" Saturn asked, lifting his head from your shoulder to reach out and cup your face in his hands.
"Y-Yeah! I'm fine, S-Saturn! I-I just..."
"Just what?"
You could feel your face burning now, and Saturn looked seconds away from attempting to feel your forehead or call for help on why you look so sick all of a sudden.
"I-Ireallylikeyou!" You stammered out in one breath, squeezing your eyes shut out of fear.
It was quiet for a long moment, but Saturn let out a soft laugh, causing you to peek your eyes back open.
He had a light blush on his face, smiling brightly.
"I like you too, (Y/n)." He spoke gently, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. "Is it okay if I kiss you?"
You flushed more as you nodded, a shudder racing down your spine as his lips met yours. His hands slipped down to grasp yours, moments before he pulled away, going back to resting his head on your shoulder.
"Thank you, (Y/n), I feel much better now." He murmured, your hand still clasped in his.
"No problem, Saturn." You replied, kissing his temple as your Pokémon jumped up to lay across both of your laps.

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