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 My name is Percy Jackson. If you are reading this you already know my story. I found out I was a Demi god at the age of 12, and the name of my father, Poseidon. I was taken to a place where kids like me lived safely from monsters, Camp Half Blood. There I met the love of my life, Annabeth chase. I'm not going into much detail about my past, if you want to see it, some strange man wrote my life story. All those stories had somewhat happy endings, and good times. This story however... will not. This story will be filled with heartbreak, war, and death. This story is how the gods betrayed me and how I took my revenge.

My alarm explodes into noise. "WAKE UP! LEO COMMANDS YOU TO WAKE!" I slam my fist onto the alarm, "Ouch dude! Not cool" it shuts up. I don't know why Beth makes me use this alarm Leo made for us. Just because it was a wedding present doesn't mean we need to use it. I look over at Annabeth's spot and see she already woke up.

I walk in the kitchen an see a very pregnant goddess of a woman. "Hello my beautiful wife." I kiss her and sit and watch her cook. "Percy... you're staring again." she smiles side eying me. "I know." I place my hand on her belly. "Come on! Come out already I wanna meet you so badly!" I gently press my face into her belly. "Percy I'm only 6 and a half months, its still going to be awhile.... Aw Shi." I clasp my hand over her mouth before she finishes. "Shhh, the baby can hear you." I whisper. "I forgot the tomatoes, can you run to the market and get a few please." She smiles sweetly, full knowing I cant say no to her. "As you wish my Queen!" I throw on my shirt. "Thanks baby!" she yells as I bolt out of our house.


New message:

Baby maker: YOu seaweed brain you forgot to tell me your mom was coming and bringing Estell and Paul.

Oops. She's going to kill me. "Percy!" I hear my name and look around. "Percy its Hestia! I'm the torch!" a torch stands on the side of the road with a bright orange flame. "Hestia?" I talk into the flame. "Percy, the gods are plotting against you, get home and hide your family now!" I drop the bag of tomatoes and sprint towards home. Rolling thunder noises roar in the sky, my heart beating faster and faster. Finial I reach home, I stop looking at the house, everything slowing down and going extremely quiet. My hair starts to rise from electricity, and I lunge to the house. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The blast from the lightning strikes throw me backwards in the air. I come to, and stumble to the ruble of my home. Nothing left standing, dust filling the air and my lungs. With each step it gets harder to move. "Annabeth!" I yell out to no response. Boom! 

Percy Jackson and the Fall of the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now