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Percy moves to Piper and lifts her up by her throat.

"Stop it..." my words fall flat.

"PERCY, I HATE YOU!" my words echo throughout the chamber.

He stops still holding Piper in the air, slowly choking her.

"What did you say?" he says not looking back.

"I said I hate you Percy Jackson!" I repeat.

His head slowly turns to face me, a soft smile on his face. Its hard to tell cause he is covered in human and god blood, but it looks like he's crying.

He sets Piper down and she gasps for air as he releases her. He walks behind a throne and disappears.

"Hazel... what happened?" Leo whispers in my ear, I shrug.

Percy comes back out pushing a large aquarium with some cow... fish.

"This is Bessie, I named him that before I knew it was a man. Slandered cow name, right." He looks at the fish. "When Hestia saved me, she reminded me of this cow, and that it can kill the gods...but she mentions that you can make a wish with it."

He breaks the glass, and the animal falls out, he grabs it by the tail. He pulls out Riptide and slices the cow fishes stomach. He pulls the guts out and tosses them into a fire closing his eyes.

The room starts moving, the blood-soaked floors becoming clean. The dead gods melting away. I look over and see Frank standing back up, the hole in his chest closing.

"What's happ-" I rush over to him and kiss him on the lips before he can even finish. As I break away, Greek pedal stools with logos carved into them appear all along the room, golden apples rest on top.

Percy becomes clean and more pedal stools with apples appear in front of him.

He slowly opens his eyes and smiles. "It worked!"

"What is this?" I ask reaching for an apple. Percy swats my hand away.

"These apples, contain god powers. As you can see, thousands of gods are now dead and their apples in here." He points to the 12 in front. "I made it so, that you, my friends become the new Olympians.

He smiles softly again. "You each take your parents apple and bite, I know Nico and Hazel, Conner and Travis, have the same parents, so one can choose any other god they want."

"What if I don't want to be a god." Nico walks up looking at his two original arms back on him.

"Then don't... I do have one request. If you let me." Percy looks at me, I hesitate and nod. "I want Archie to become Athena, and his girlfriend to be..." he looks over at the young girl.

"Poseidon..." she mumbles.

"Poseid..." he double takes staring at her, he notices her bright green eyes and smiles. "Poseidon." He smiles.

"And one last request." He smiles softly. "I wanna go...home..."

"Home?" I ask.

"To Annabeth and Helia... in Elysium." He smiles softly. "That's why I had to... needed you all to hate me, this was my burden to bare, and I needed one of you to kill me." he smiles and sits down on a step. "My job is done and I want to go home." 

Piper walks up and stabs Percy in the chest. She pulls the sword out and normal human blood oozes out.

"Your father... is alive..." Percy lays back, smiling. "Thank you...." His face fills with relief.

                I make back to the street, houses still BBQing in their yards. I walk up the porch and nock on the door, it swings open.

"I'm home my love..." 

Percy Jackson and the Fall of the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now