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"FRANK COME ON!" Hazel holds the elevator for me. Hazel, Piper, Nico, Tyson, Will, Thalia, the Stoll brothers, Rachel, Leo, Archie, Stella, and I take turns going to Olympus.

The elevator dings and the doors open, the streets are completely empty. Half of us wait as the others come up the elevator. Then as a group we move the main building. The doors torn down laying crumbled on the ground. the floor drenched in golden ichor, gods head on pikes making a hallway of heads. The center chair, what use to be Zeus's chair, has his named scratched out and 'PERCY' carved above it, glowing with golden ichor. At the foot of the chair, two glowing red shoes rest on the head of Zeus, the leader of the gods reduced to a foot stool. Percy lounging on the chair, drenched in god blood and human blood, not one spot on him clean.

"Ah dam!" I look back at Leo. "I step in...in...dad..." his face drops as he stares at his foot print in his dads brains.

"Bout time you guys showed up." Percy sighs as he lounges back. "Once I dismembered the last of the gods... I was getting a little bored." He tosses a head down and it rolls to Tavis and Connor's feet. They both gasp and gag at the sight of their fathers head.

"Now... how are you guys gonna take me down?" Percy smirks now sitting forward.

"Percy...What have you done!" Rachel yells in shock. "I know you better than this, you would never do this!"

Percy laughs and kicks Zeus's head down at us. "You are just some girl that got in my dam way." Percy walks down toward us.

"We had a connection Percy, Come with us and we can help you." Rachel stretches her hand out to Percy.

He stares at her hand like he's thinking about it. "Ok... I'll come with you." He takes her hand.

They start to the door, when they pass us I see Percy has his fingers crossed behind his back.

"RACHEL WATCH OUT!" I scream out.

Percy snaps her wrist in a sickening crunch, and she falls to the ground screaming.

Percy turns his head to me laughing quietly before I could even blink he appears in front of me and shoves something inside my stomach.

"FRANK!" I watch as Percy's hand slides though my husband's chest and falls to the floor.

Nico charges at Percy and swings down hard at his head, but Percy catches his sword hand and rips off Nico's other arm.

Percy zips to the Stoll brothers, he smiles before he shoves his hand through Travis, and grabs Connor pulling him through his brother ripping Travis in two. Percy then rips Connor's head off

"RUN!" I yell to everyone, but a circle of blue hell fire encloses us.

"Hazel....Hazel...Hazel..." Percy smiles as he walks through the hellfire. His hand reaches up and rubs my cheek. "You never had a chance babe."

"BROTHER!" Tyson yells.

"Ah... yeah... hey Ty." Percy turns his attention to his brother. "So... do you believe them now?" He smiles at Tyson.

"Yes...you are evil..." Tysons struggles getting the words out.

"Good boy." Percy twists Tysons head 180.

Percy Jackson and the Fall of the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now