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After Hestia died I sit down near the fire to think on how to reach the gods. After I kill at least a few, the other gods will notice and hide. Cowards all of them, ill get to them... no matter where they hide their cowardly faces. I know my first target, the easiest to find. I step into the fire and get engulfed in warm orange flames.

The faces of campers all stare at me with confusion. I step out of the fire and stand there, Clarisse walk to me. "P...Percy? How? What?" She stammers over her words. "Where is Dionysus?" I ask her meeting her eyes. "Percy... we heard what happened... I am so sorry." Unlike her, she tries to hug me... it's really awkward. I shoot her a look and fearless Clarisse showed fear. "Where... is... he?" I growl through my teeth. "In... th...the big house..." she points with a shaky finger.

I go up the porch steps and Chiron puts his arm in front of me. "Chiron... get out of the way, I don't want to hurt you." I look into his sadness filled eyes, a crowd mumbles behind me. I turn and see the whole camp staring in fear and confusion. I push past his arm and trough the door slamming it behind me. "I figured you would come... after no one found your body, I knew you would." Dionysus sits on a recliner holding a goblet. "You voted..." I mumble walking closer to him. "You voted to kill my whole family... Annabeth, Mom, Paul, Estell and even my unborn child... you voted like it was nothing!" Riptide erupts into my hand, making the room glow red. " Forged in gods blood... Percy...." He pours wine into his goblet. "Please let my taste this wine, before I die please allow me that." He slowly brings the cup to his lips, but before the cup reaches his lips I shove Riptide through his chest.

His goblet clamber to the floor, "Why would I let you taste wine, you didn't even let me hold my child." I take Riptide out of his chest, golden ichor pouring out and onto the floor.

I open the front door and walk out to gasps and screams. Eyes fixed on me, covered in gods blood, and Riptide glowing red, dripping golden ichor. "Mr. D... is dead" I retrack Riptide, golden ichor splashing on some campers. I walk down the steps and the crowd parts as I walk. "Percy! Freeze!" Clarisse aims a spear at my chest. I smile and look into her eyes, "No." I walk past her as she stays frozen. I step into the firepit and turn to the campers, "Stay out of my way and you will live." Fire erupts and takes me away.

Percy Jackson and the Fall of the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now