The Beginning~ Part 1

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It was a cold winter evening. I was walking down the streets of New York City, going home from school. Today was just any other day, nothing out of the ordinary.

It wasn't until I got about a mile from my house when I noticed someone was following me. I started to walk faster, hoping they would realize I noticed them. But they began to speed up as well. I couldn't ask for help because there was nobody around. It was surprisingly vacant for New York City.

I fumbled for my phone in an attempt to call my dad, who wasn't far from my current location. I was so panicked and shaky that I ended up dropping my phone. It cracked the screen, but it wasn't bad. 

They got closer, so I started running. There was a crack in the sidewalk that was poking up a little. Not paying attention, I tripped and fell. I turn around to see a man. He was towering over me, his feet a few inches from mine. He was dressed in black, with what seemed like a skii mask on his face. All I could see was a scar that was on his eye, and a skull tattooed on his hand.

I was terrified and defenseless. "T-Take anything! P-please don't hurt me!" I yelped, shaking in fear. The man stood there for at least 5 minutes, not moving a muscle. We just stared at each other. I was crying, I was so scared. I didn't know what to do.

The man suddenly reached in his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife, pointing it at me. "Give me your wallet, your phone, and your waTCH—" The man was interrupted by what seemed to be another man, smacking him with a futuristic-tech staff. He was wearing a purple jacket which had a dragon on the back, and he had green skin... He continued to fight the man that was attempting to rob me, who ended up fleeing after realizing the other was skilled in some type of martial arts.

"Are you okay?" The man in the purple hoodie asked, pulling his hood down to reveal his face. He wore a purple bandanna, and had funky tech goggles on his head.

"I-I think so.." I stammered, stunned by his strange appearance. "That's good to hear. New York isn't safe this time of day." He said to me with a sly smirk on his face. He was right, it was 7:00pm, and it was dark.

"Yeah.. I probably should have had someone walk me home. Thank you.." I said nervously, forcing an awkward smile. "You're welcome. I'm Donnie, by the way." He held his hand out, gesturing a handshake. Holy shit... he has three fingers...

"I'm Y/N..." I said shyly. He winked at me, having a big smirk on his face. My cheeks flushed pink and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He was like a reptile man creature... there's no way I could possibly be crushing on him. I just met him for fucks sake!

We kept eye contact for what felt like an hour, but only being five minutes. He looked at me with half-lidded eyes and a smirk on his face. I let go of his hand, my face grew hot, turning bright red. What is he? He's not human. Maybe he's half human... Half lizard?

I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to be rude. He noticed me looking at him in a strange way, to which he responded, "I'm a turtle. Half-human, half-turtle." I looked at him, speechless. He averted his gaze, raising a brow and biting his lip. "How did you-" I said as he interrupted me, "I could see it on your face. You were trying to figure me out. I see it all the time."

A turtle.. Half-turtle.. Half-human.. Wow. I had no idea such things existed, but something tells me I'll be glad they do.

I bent down to pick up my stuff that I had dropped. He helped me, and I thanked him. I then headed home, still shocked about what had just happened to me.

Have other people experienced this too? Being saved by some turtle karate man.. I was so confused, yet relieved he stepped in when he did. His appearance was shocking, but not ugly.. He was actually quite handsome... being a turtle and all.

Still stunned about previous events, I gathered what dignity I had left, and jumped in the shower. Feeling the soothing warm water on my skin was relaxing, and soothing. I got out of the shower, feeling refreshed. I laid down in bed, still thinking about "Donnie". I eventually dozed off, relinquishing my thoughts and calming my mind.


Pov: Donnie

The sun was starting to rise, which meant my night patrol was over. I decided to head back to the lair, stopping for some pizza on the way there.

I couldn't help but think about Y/N. There was something different about her. The way she was nervous to talk to me, but not being rude about how I looked different. She was sweet, but I could tell she was unsure of my intentions. She was also cute— wait. I can't say that. I mean, she was, but... she's human, and a stranger. The only human I was associated with was April, but she's with Leo. What if I had a chance to... No. I can't. But maybe— No. Donnie, no. You CANNOT.

I arrived at the lair with the pizza. Mikey could smell a drop of pizza sauce from a mile away. "DONNNNIIEEE!!" He yelled excitedly. I knew he wasn't excited to see me, he just wanted the pizza. He looked at me with a big smile. "Here Angelo, just save a few for me and the others." I said, as he snatched it out of my hands. I was making my way to my lab when I heard bickering.

"LEO YOU CANT DO THAT!" I heard Raph yell. "YES I CAN, WATCH ME." I peaked into the arcade to see them playing Hot Soup: The Game. They heard me walk in, so I said "What's going on?" To which Raph responded, still yelling, "LEO FOUND CHEAT CODES AND HE WON'T PLAY THE GAME RIGHT!" I started laughing at their ridiculous argument.

"Cheat codes aren't so bad, Raph." I said, trying to ease the argument, unintentionally making it worse. "YOU CAN'T TALK DONNIE. LAST TIME YOU USED CHEAT CODES, YOU ALMOST KILLED US ALL!" Raph shouted. "Hey-! I was being tricked! The purple dragons had taken over my game, it wasn't entirely my fault!" I snarked.

"Yeah yeah. Like it wasn't your fault that you became so addicted to the game that you were vulnerable to be tricked in the first place." Leo replied, finishing the game and making Raph calm down. I could no longer smell Raph's anger stink. "There's pizza in the kitchen. Better hurry and get some before Mikey eats it all." I scoffed. I wasn't hungry, so I left the pizza to the guys and headed to my lab.

I took off my hoodie, and put my battle shell in its rightful place to charge. I took off my other accessories and plopped onto my bed. I wasn't very tired, nor did I have much energy to work on anything.

Y/N crossed my mind once again. I couldn't stop thinking about her nervous smile. The way she was awkward, and shy. But still kind and smiling, while her life had just been threatened.

I wanted to see her again, but I didn't know where to even start. She seemed young, and while carrying a bookbag and notebooks, I could accurately guess she was a middle school student. Maybe she went to school with April? I should ask her.

I looked over at my alarm clock. 5:32am.

Maybe not now.. but tomorrow.

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